



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) rain.

Synonyms: ua, hāuaua

2. (personal noun) Rain.

Ko te Rangi tō tātou matua, nāna hoki i homai i ōna uri, i a Hauwhenua, i a Haumāringiringi, i a Haumārotoroto, i a Tōuarangi, i a Tōmairangi (NM 1928:9). / Rangi (the sky) is our father, who gave his offspring, Hauwhenua (land breeze), Haumāringiringi (mist), Haumārotoroto (heavy dew), Tōuarangi (rain) and Tōmairangi (moisture).

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1. (verb) (-ina) to rain.

Ka haere te taua, e kore e poka noa ki te kai haere, ki te inu haere, kei uaina e te ua (JPS 1982:44). / When the war party travels it does not just take food or drink from anywhere, else rain will pour down upon it.

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Synonyms: tōuarangi, hāuaua

2. (noun) rain.

I taua rangi nei i te ua pūnehunehu (HP 1991:6). / That day there was misty rain.

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1. (verb) to be rough, violent, tempestuous, stormy, turbulent (of wind, rain or the sea).

Ka kai te kāpura i tōna aroaro, ā ka hūkerikeri te āwhā ki tētahi taha ōna, ki tētahi taha (PT Nga Waiata 50:3). / A fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him.

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2. (modifier) rough, violent, tempestuous, stormy, turbulent (of wind, rain or the sea).

Me ko au tērā i runga i te waka e rutua ana e te moana hūkerikeri, he ruaruaki kau te mahi! (HJ 2012:150). / If that was me on the canoe being tossed about by the rough sea, I would have been vomiting endlessly.

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3. (noun) roughness, tempestuousness, storminess, turbulence (of wind, rain or the sea).

I te hūkerikeri o te wai me te kaha o te hau ka rere te pūpūtai ki te tāhuna rā anō (PK 2008:717). / Because the water was so rough and the wind so strong the spray flew as far as the sandbank.

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1. (modifier) heavy, driving, lashing (of rain).

Ka tūngutu a Mahuika i tana ahi, ka tukua iho e Māui he āwhā pūroro (Tr 1874:38). / Mahuika stirred up her fire, so Māui sent down a storm of driving rain.

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2. (noun) driving rain.


1. (modifier) rainy, drizzly.

E ai ki te matapae huarere, he rangi hāuaua āpōpō. / According to the weather forecast, tomorrow will be a rainy day.

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2. (noun) drizzle, light rain, rain.

Ka rere te hāuaua, ka mutu te kirikiti. / When the drizzle starts the cricket stops.

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Synonyms: tōuarangi, ua


1. (noun) gale, storm, heavy rain, torrential rain.

Nā te nui o te āwhā me te karawhiu o ngā haumātakataka kīhai i taea te māngoingoi ika (TWK 45:5). / Because of the heavy rainfall and force of the hurricane fishing was not possible.

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1. (noun) sprinkling rain, scattered light rain.

Ka tīmata te kōuaua, me te pupuhi o tētahi āwhā māmā nei (TWK 57:30). / Scattered light rain began with a mild storm blowing.

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1. (verb) to stop raining, become fine, clear (of rain).

Ko te arawhata i Ōmāhu me tērā i Te Pakipaki kua riro i te wai. E whakamao ana te ua, engari mao rawa ake kua nui ngā rawa me ngā taonga i mate (TWMNT 25/1/1876:20). / The bridge at Ōmāhu and that at Pakipaki have been taken by the water. The rain is easing, but when it finally clears much wealth and property will have been destroyed.

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2. (noun) fine weather, clearing weather.

E mao ana ki ua, e ua ana ki mao (NP 2001:37). / It is fine weather until it rains, it rains until it is fine. (A saying used, not just about the weather, but commentating that good times alternate with bad.)

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tārū kahika

1. (noun) light summer rain.

Ka mate tāua i te ua. "E, kāo! He tārū kahika." (W 1971:392). / You and I will get sick from the rain. "No! It's just light summer rain."

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1. (noun) acid rain.

ua kōnehunehu

1. (noun) drizzling rain, drizzle.

I taua takiwā tonu ka puta tētahi rangi ua kōnehunehu nei (TWMNT 9/2/1875:30). / At that time a day of drizzling rain occurred.

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1. (noun) tropical rain forest.


1. (verb) to cease (of rain).

Kua tāhaohao te ua (W 1971:357). / The rain has ceased.

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ngahere pārūrū

1. (noun) tropical rain forest.


1. (modifier) misty.

Puta mai ai ngā patupaiarehe nei i te pō, i ngā rā kōnehunehu rānei. / Patupaiarehe appear at night or on misty days.

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Synonyms: porehu, mōnenehu, matarehu, mōnehunehu, kōehuehu, pūkohukohu, pūrerehu, pōrehurehu, pūnenehu, pūrehurehu, ānehu, pūnehunehu, pūnehu

2. (noun) drizzle, fine rain, mist.

Ka heke he pata wai iti - he hāuaua, he kōnehunehu (RP 2009:422). / Small drops of rain fall - drizzling rain and mist.

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Synonyms: kōnenehu, haumāringiringi, tārehu, tuarehu, waikohu, tūkōrehu, pūrehu, pūnehu, kohu, rehu, kākahi, pūnehunehu, haumaringi, pūkohu, au, pūnenehu, tākohu

ua arotuki

1. (noun) frontal rain.

Ina tūtaki te hau whakapipi mahana me te hau whakapipi mātao, ka tōtā te wairehu o roto i te hau takiwā mahana, ā, ka puta te ua. Ka kīia he ua arotuki tēnei momo ua (RP 2009:422). / When warm and cold air masses meet the water vapour in the warm air condenses and rain appears. This type of rain is called frontal rain.

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ua ikeike

1. (noun) orographic rain.

Ina peia te hau takiwā mahana ki runga pae maunga, ka tōtā te wairehu, ka puta te ua. Ka kīia he ua ikeike (RP 2009:422). / When warm air is pushed up a mountain range the water vapour condenses and rain appears. It is called orographic rain.

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ua kawa

1. (noun) acid rain.

Ko Uropi te wāhi e kaha ana te heke o te ua kawa, nā runga i te nui o ngā wheketere me ngā motukā o reira (RP 2009:423). / Europe is the place where acid rain falls the most, because there are so many factories and motor vehicles there.

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ua pārūrū

1. (noun) convectional rain.

I ngā rohe he tino mahana te mata o te whenua, ka piki te hau takiwā mahana, ka tere te tōtā i te rangi, ā, ka heke hei ua tātā. Ka kīia he ua pārūrū (RP 2009:422). / In the regions where the land's surface is very warm, the warm air rises and quickly condenses in the sky and falls as very heavy rain. It is called convectional rain.

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1. (verb) to drip, drop (as of rain).

Ka patapata iho taku whakaakoranga ānō he ua, ka māturuturu iho taku kupu ānō he tōmairangi, me te ua pūnehunehu ki runga i te tipu hou (TPH 30/1/1900:1). / My teaching drops like rain, my words trickle forth like dew and the misty rain on new shoots.

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2. (modifier) dripping (of rain, etc.), falling in drops.

E ua patapata nunui, ka mate au (NM 1928:52). / If it rains in large drops, I will perish.

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3. (noun) thrum, tassel (of a korowai cloak).

4. (noun) tentacle (of a cuttlefish, etc.).

Ko ngā kawekawe, arā ko ngā patapata, ko ngā ngongotua, ka rere ērā ki te huka kōpuru moana ki reira huna ai i a rātau (JPS 1927:274). / The tentacles escaped to the ocean foam where they concealed themselves.

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