2. (verb) to be covered with spray.
He aha ia rā te hua o te horoi i ngā matapihi? E rua rangi ake nei, kua mōnenehu anō i te rehutai (HJ 2015:106). / Just what is the point of washing the windows? In two days time they will be covered in sea spray again.
3. (modifier) covered with spray.
Ka whaikōrero a Tamamutu, ka karanga ki te iwi o Tūwharetoa, "Tūwharetoa i te aupōuri ē, kia pai te whakatere i te waka kei pariparia e te tai mōnenehu te kura nei." (TP 3/1910:11). / Tamamutu made a speech, calling to the Tūwharetoa people, "Tūwharetoa, steer the canoe carefully or this treasure will be drenched by the spray."
4. (modifier) dim, indistinct, misty, hazy, distant.
Ka uru mai ki roto i tōna hinengaro ngā mahara mōnenehu o tōna tamarikitanga (Ng 1993:225). / The indistinct recollections of her childhood entered her mind.
Synonyms: porehu, matarehu, mōnehunehu, kōehuehu, pūkohukohu, pūrerehu, pōrehurehu, pūnenehu, pūrehurehu, ānehu, pūnehunehu, kōnehunehu, pūnehu