1. (verb) to be misty, dimmed, blurred, hazy, fuzzy, dazzled.
Ko ngā tai kī i waenganui pō haoa ai. Arā me rūrū he rama, kotahi ki te mau i te kupenga, kotahi hei mau i te rama. Ki te tata atu ki te kāhui kuaka, ka whakapau rāua i ō rāua kaha ki te oma me te mea hoki kia kaha te mura o te ahi, ā, ka pōrehurehu ngā kanohi o te kuaka (HKW 1/11/1901:2). / When the tides were full in the middle of the night they were netted. That is a torch was brandished, one would carry the net and one was to carry the torch.When they were near the flock of godwits, they ran as fast as they could so the fire would burn brightly and the godwits' eyes would be dazzled.
Synonyms: porehu, mōnenehu, matarehu, mōnehunehu, kōehuehu, pūkohukohu, pūrerehu, pūnenehu, pūrehurehu, ānehu, pūnehunehu, kōnehunehu, pūnehu
2. (noun) dusk, haziness.
Ko te kī taurangitanga tēnā a Te Rauparaha, arā, ka patua e ia a Mua-ūpoko mai i te ata hāpara ā tae noa ki te pōrehurehu (TTR 1990:299). / That was Te Rauparaha's vow, that is he would kill Mua-ūpoko from dawn until dusk.