



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) moth, butterfly.

Pēnā te mahi a te Poa me te ahi e kā ana ka rere ngā pepe ki roto (TJ 21/12/1899:6). / What the Boers' did was like a burning fire that moths fly into.

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Synonyms: pūrerehua, pūrēhua, pūrerehu, pūrehurehu, pēpepe


1. (loan) (noun) baby.

Ki te kai te wahine hapū i te hikareti, ka kai tahi te pēpē e noho ake rā i roto i a ia (TP 1/1908:4). / If a pregnant woman smokes cigarettes, the baby that is inside her partakes too.

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Synonyms: kōngahungahu, nohinohi, pēpi


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to imitate bird calls, using a leaf to imitate bird calls.

He tohunga taku pāpā ki te pepe manu ki te rau karamū (PK 2008:626). / My father is an expert at attracting birds by imitating their call with a karamū leaf.
Ka mau ki te raurēkau, ka pepea (W 1971:277). / He took the large-leaved coprosma leaf and used it to imitate bird calls.

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2. (noun) call leaf - leaf used for imitating bird calls to attract them.

Mā Mātete e whakatangi te pepe (W 1971:277). / Mātete will play the leaf to attract the birds.

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1. (noun) banded rail, Gallirallus philippensis assimilis - a secretive native bird with upperparts olive-brown and black with white spots, and underparts barred black-and-white. Lives in salt marshes, mangroves and swamps.


1. (verb) to be crushed, mashed, softened.

I tērā tau i mātakitaki tātau ki te ānga haeretanga a Tiamani i a Rūhia, me te mea nā anō kua pēpē te mana o Rūhia (TKO 15/8/1916:8). / Last year we watched Germany drive away Russia and it would seem the mana of Russia has been crushed.

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Synonyms: penupenu, kōparu, ngatu, kōrengarenga, ngehingehi,

2. (noun) mashed food, pulped food.

Ka titiro a Waikari ki te kore kai mā Tūmata-ngaua, ka tae ko tētehi o ana pēpē aruhe ka hoatu (NIT 1995:199). / When Waikari saw that Tūmata-ngaua had no food, he took one of his bundles of mashed fern root and gave it to him.

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Synonyms: pāhia, kōhari, penupenu

pepe takimanawa

1. (noun) recitation of long words in one breath, tongue twister.

See also taki manawa

pepe mā

1. (noun) white butterfly,cabbage white, Pieris rapae - introduced from Europe and North America about 1930 and found throughout the country. Caterpillars eat cabbage, turnip, cauliflower and nasturtium.

pepe tāmure

1. (noun) fry of snapper, Chrysophrys auratus - silvery pinkish to golden fish with numerous bright blue spots over upper sides. Deep-bodied with a blunt head. The most abundant coastal Aotearoa/New Zealand species known from the North Island and northern South Island.

See also tāmure

pepe tuna

1. (noun) pūriri moth, Aenetus virescens – a large, conspicuous, green-winged moth with glowing red eyes. Young larvae hatch from eggs in the forest leaf litter, where they begin their development. They then moult into a conspicuous 'transfer phase' form that moves out of the litter and climbs the trunk of a suitable host tree, often a pūriri or putaputawētā. The larva forms a typical '7'-shaped tunnel and a silk-covered external feeding scar over the entrance. Once established the larvae moult into the 'tree phase', in which they complete their growth. The entire larval period may take as much as 4 years, and mature larvae may exceed 100 mm in length. Pupation occurs inside the shaft, and most adults emerge in spring or early summer.

He rere ahiahi, rere pō te pepe tuna; nā whai anō ka whakapaetia te pepe tuna he karere nō te ao wairua, he wairua rānei o tētahi tipuna kua hoki mai ki te tāpae kōrero ki ōna uri. He kaitā te pepe tuna, e 15 henimita te hōrapa o ōna parirau kawakawa (Te Ara 2012). / Because the pūriri moth flies at dusk and into the night, the suggestion is that it is a messenger of the realm of spirits, or a spirit of an ancestor returning to visit his or her descendants. The pūriri moth is large, with bright green wings that span 15 centimetres.

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pēpē ngorungoru

1. (verb) to mash thoroughly.

Me pēpē ngorungoru ngā kai mā te pēpi. / The food for the baby should be mashed thoroughly.

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pepe ao uri

1. (noun) common blue butterfly, Zizina labradus labradus - common in gardens and farmland in the North Island and north and west of the South Island.

pepe para hua

1. (noun) Australian painted lady, Vanessa kershawi - a butterfly that arrives from Australia most years in large numbers. Flies fast and close to the ground. the undersides of the wings look like tree bark. Caterpillars feed on plants of the daisy family.

pepe te muimui

1. (noun) huhu beetle, Prionoplus reticularis - Aotearoa/New Zealand's largest beetle. Found in forests.

pepe para riki

1. (noun) common copper butterfly, Lycaena salustius complex - common in mid-summer in warm, open places from sand dunes to tussock hillsides. Attracted to blackberry flowers. Flies fast and jerkily, 2-3m above the ground.

toetoe tūhara

1. (noun) pēpepe, Machaerina sinclairii - a sedge found throughout most of the North Island, often on damp cliffs and road banks. It has long, slightly drooping bright green iris-like leaves. The flowering stems are rigid with drooping, fine, rusty red flowers.

See also tūhara

Synonyms: tūhara, pēpepe


1. (noun) butterfly, moth.

Ko ētahi o te aitanga pepeke ko te waeroa, te pūrerehua, te pēpepe, te pūngāwerewere, te namu (Te Ara 2012). / Some of the creatures of the insect world are mosquitoes, butterflies and moths, spiders and sandflies.

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Synonyms: pūrerehua, pepe, pūrēhua, pūrerehu, pūrehurehu

2. (noun) pēpepe, Machaerina sinclairii - a sedge found throughout most of the North Island, often on damp cliffs and road banks. It has long, slightly drooping bright green iris-like leaves. The flowering stems are rigid with drooping, fine, rusty red flowers.

See also tūhara

Synonyms: tūhara, toetoe tūhara

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