1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to dam a stream, prevent one from passing, block, obstruct, discriminate against - sometimes involves placing a notional boundary across which unauthorised movement is prohibited.
Nei te pōwhiri atu ki a koutou, kei pōkaku noa mai koutou e aukatihia noahia mai ana ki ēnei kura e toru nā rātou nei i te para te huarahi (HM 2/1999). / Here is the invitation to you all in case you are mistaken into thinking that you are being excluded from these three schools which paved the way.
Synonyms: kōpeka, kōpekapeka, kati, taupā, taupare, pā, whakakōroiroi, whakapā, whakahōtaetae, ngihangiha, ārai, hōtaetae, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, ārei
2. (modifier) discriminatory, biased, unfair, exclusive.
Ka haere ngā mahi whakatutuki, whakawhānui a te kāwanatanga i ngā ture mō tā rātou kaupapa toko i te ora, tohua ake ana e Rangi ngā tikanga aukati i te Māori (TTR 1998:109). / As the government implemented its broader welfare legislation, Rangi drew attention to practices discriminatory to Māori.
3. (modifier) restrictive.
He kī pono tēnei, mehemea e kore te iwi e pai ki tēnei mahi aukati, nā tō rātou kūare, nā tō rātou mōhio kore i pēnei ai rātou. Tēnā, kua tae rānei koe ki ēnā kāinga aukati? (KO 15/12/1886:8). / This is a fact that if the people are not amenable to this restrictive practice they are like this because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge. Well, have you been to those settlements where there is a restriction?
4. (noun) border, boundary marking a prohibited area, roadblock, discrimination (justice), line over which one may not pass.
I tono atu ahau ki a koe kia hoki mai koe, otirā i whakatakoto koe i tētahi aukati i runga i te rohe i kīia e koe ko te rohe o tō takiwā, ā kāore ahau i āhei te haere atu ki tērā taha (TWMNT 27/3/1877:87). / I asked you to come back, but you placed an aukati over the area that you say is the boundary of your territory, and I was not allowed to cross over to that side.
aukati iwi
1. (noun) racism.
Nā te aukati iwi o te wā i whakarērea ai a Nēpia ki waho o te tīma i whakawhiti rā ki Āwherika ki te Tonga i te tau 1928 (TTR 1998:120). / Because of the racism of the time Nēpia was omitted from the team that crossed to South Africa in 1928.
Synonyms: whakatoihara, whakatakētanga, kaikiri
pāpono aukati
1. (noun) mutually exclusive event.
Ka kīia ētahi pāpono he pāpono aukati nā te mea ka aukati te putanga o tētahi pāpono i te putanga o tētahi. Hei tauira: Ina tangohia tētahi kāri pango i te pūkei kāri, ka aukati tērā i te putanga o tētahi kāri whero. Ka kīia he pāpono aukati te tango i te kāri pango me te tango kāri whero (TRP 2010:201). / Some events are called mutually exclusive events because the outcome of an event is blocked by the outcome of another. For example: When a black card is taken from the pack of cards, that blocks the outcome of a red card. Taking the black card and the red card is called a mutually exclusive event.