



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) type, variety, thing.

Ko ēnei taru kikino e rua, te tupeka rāua ko te waipiro, e kukume ana i a Hātana kia piri, kia tata (KO 16/5/1882:4). / These two bad things, tobacco and liquor, are what Satan entices us with to be close to him.

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2. (noun) plague, disease, something unpleasant from abroad.

Kua tae te taru nei ki Witirana (MM.TKM 1/2/1855:28). / This plague has reached Switzerland.

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Synonyms: muimui, mui, urutā, mate urutā


1. (verb) (-a) to overcome, beat.

Ka whati te whatinga; kore rawa i tā te manawa o Ngā Puhi, o Ngāti Kahungunu; e toru ngā whakahoki, kore rawa i tārū (JPS 1900:69). / The enemy retreated, but Ngā Puhi and Ngāti Kahungunu never stopped to take breath. There were three times the enemy turned on them, but Ngā Puhi never stopped.

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Synonyms: poke, kake, where, pāpā, wikitōria, whakatina, hinga, poko, raupatu, tae, takapapa, pārure, whakatūoi, mate, whara


1. (modifier) painful, acute, severe.

Atu i 1927, tata ana te noho pūmau a te māuiui i runga i a Te Rata. E whakamamaetia ana e te rūmātiki tārū i ngā tau whakamutunga e toru o tōna koiora (TTR 1996:229). / Te Rata had been ill almost continuously from 1927. In the last three years of his life he suffered from acute rheumatism.

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Synonyms: mamae, whakamamae, pāwerawera, pāmamae, hīrawerawe, tārūrū


1. (noun) grass, weeds, small vegetation.

Ko tēnei taru, ko te parakipere, e mōhio ana ngā Māori, kei ngā wāhi katoa e tupu ana (TJ 2/8/1898:3). / Māori know that this plant, the blackberry, grows everywhere.

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tārū kahika

1. (noun) light summer rain.

Ka mate tāua i te ua. "E, kāo! He tārū kahika." (W 1971:392). / You and I will get sick from the rain. "No! It's just light summer rain."

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taru paoho

1. (noun) iPod, MP3 player, portable media player, digital audio player.

taru rauhea

1. (noun) cannabis, marijuana.

Kua puea ake he mānukanuka i ngā kaumātua ki te rahi o ngā tamariki me ngā mātua e kai ana i te taru rauhea. / The elders are concerned about the number of young people and parents who are smoking cannabis.

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Synonyms: tarukino, tarutaru

taru tawhiti

1. (modifier) influenza - sometimes written as one word, i.e. tarutawhiti.

I te pānga o te urutā taru tawhiti i 1918 ka whakahōhiperatia a Tūtāmure (TTR 1994:6). / When the influenza epidemic of 1918 struck the Tūtāmure meeting house was turned into a hospital.

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See also tarutawhiti

2. (noun) thing from abroad, thing from outside.

Ehara i te mea ka tahia katoatia ki te taha ngā tikanga whakahaere kua roa kē e whāia ana, ka uru mai rānei he taru tawhiti hei whakakōpekapeka i ngā mahi (HM 4/1994:8). / It's not as if all the long-standing undertakings will be swept aside, or outside influences will hinder the activities.

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3. (noun) influenza.

I te tau 1918 ka mate haere te kaha o te nanakia mate nei, o te tau tawhiti, i Aotearoa nei, ka ngaro te momo o te tangata ki te pō, Māori tonu, Pākehā hoki. / In 1918 this cruel disease, influenza, spread in New Zealand, and people died, Māori as well as Pākehā.

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taru kino

1. (noun) pest plants, noxious weeds.

Ko ngā taru kino e whakamāramatia ana, he tātarāmoa, he kōtimana, he taru haunga (TP 11/1908:10). / The noxious weeds are explained as being California thistles, Scotch thistles and fennel.

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See also taru kikino

Synonyms: taru kikino

taru haunga

1. (noun) fennel, Foeniculum vulgare.

Ko ngā taru kino e whakamāramatia ana, he tātarāmoa, he kōtimana, he taru haunga (TP 11/1908:10). / The noxious weeds are explained as being California thistles, Scotch thistles and fennel.

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taru kikino

1. (noun) pest plants, noxious weeds.

Mehemea ka kore tētahi tangata e patu i ngā taru kikino o tēnei whenua, e āhei ana te Kaunihera ki te whakapau moni hei patu i aua taru, ā ki te tono ki taua tangata kia utua aua moni, ā ki te hāmene mehemea ka kore e utua (TPH 31/12/1903:2). / If a person will not kill the noxious weeds of this land, the Council is able to spend money to kill those weeds and to request that person pay that money, and to summons him if it is not paid.

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Synonyms: taru kino

ngā taru o Tura

1. grey hair - a metaphor for old age.

Ko te tūmanako ka kaha tonu te whakauru mai o te hunga kāore anō i tata atu ki ngā taru o Tura, ki ēnei o ā tātou whakamātautau (HM 1/1998:3). / The hope is that the people who are not yet approaching old age will enrol in numbers for these examinations.

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Synonyms: mātāpūpututanga, koroheketanga, kaumātuatanga, rāroa, ruahinetanga, pēperekōutanga, hirinaki


1. (noun) introduced illness, influenza, pneumonia, consumption, tuberculosis - sometimes written as two words, i.e. taru tawhiti.

E māuiui ana a Te Huruhuru i te tarutawhiti (TTR 1990:200). / Te Huruhuru was sick with tuberculosis.

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See also taru tawhiti

Synonyms: niumōnia, mate niumōnia, pūkahu kakā

2. (noun) thing from abroad, foreigner, outsider, alien.

Kāore kē tēnei tarutawhiti e mōhio nō tōku momo kē tēnei rohe (TTTT 2006:92). / Doesn't this foreigner know that this area belongs to my sort.

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Synonyms: tauiwi, rāwaho

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