2. (noun) outsider, foreigner - this is also a term used for people who are not related to the hapū or whānau members, including those who have married into the kinship group and do not have whakapapa links. Rāwaho were people who were excluded from decision-making processes by whānau or hapū because they had no whakapapa or land interests. Nowadays it would be difficult to be exclusive and to disenfranchise a blood relation of up to three degrees, living away from the tribal home, of entitlements to land and family decision-making processes. People in this situation would still be regarded as rāwaho, but would be able to become ahi kā and have decision-making power by returning to live in the tribal area and by participating in the hapū activities for a significant period.
Kāore hoki he rāwaho i whakaaetia kia uru mai ki tēnei huihuinga (TTT 1/12/1925:334). / And outsiders were not permitted to participate in that meeting.
Synonyms: tauiwi, tarutawhiti