



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) bird - any winged creature including bats, cicadas, butterflies, etc.

Ki te kore he kai, kua riro mā tētahi o ngā tohunga e karakia, kua rere mai he kai ki runga ki te waka. He ika, he manu me ētahi atu tūmomo kai mata (HP 1991:9). / If there was no food, one of the tohunga would say a ritual chant and food would fly onto the vessel - fish, birds and other types of raw food.

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2. (noun) kite.

Ka eke ki runga, ka whakahakahaka iho ngā manu rā, ka piki anō whakarunga ngā manu rā, aua tonu ake, ka tiu anō ki runga ki te pā (JPS 1905:76). / Those kites ascended to a height, and then descended, then climbed upwards again until they were a long way up, and swooped again over the pā.

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Synonyms: manu tū, pākau, manu aute, manu tukutuku, horewai

3. (noun) person held in high esteem - a figurative use usually qualified by an epithet, e.g. manukura (leader in council, leader).

Synonyms: manukura

4. (noun) family muttonbirding territory - each muttonbirding island is divided into a number of manu, with boundaries defined by geographic features, trees, etc.


1. (stative) be floating, launch, afloat.

Ka ahiahi ka kite rāua i tētahi tohorā, ko te upoko i mā, e mānu haere ana i te taha o tō rāua poti, mōhio tonu ake rāua he raiti wēra (TP 10/1902:10). / When it was evening they saw a whale and its head was white and it was floating along beside their boat, so they knew that it was a right whale.

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Synonyms: whakarewatanga, whakarewa, whakaterenga, uaki, rōnihi, rōnohi, whakamānu

2. (stative) be flooded, overflow.

He roa te ua ka mānu te whenua (W 1971:176). / The rain went on for a long time and the land was flooded.

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Synonyms: tōrena, huri, puhake, pūhakehake, engaenga, pūrena, ngāekieki

manu taupunga

1. (noun) decoy bird.

Ka herea te manu taupunga ki te pūtake o te taki. Ka whakangē te kākā mōkai kia rere mai ai ētahi atu kākā (Te Ara 2011). / The decoy bird was tied to the base of the bird snaring trap. The pet kākā screeched so that other kākā would fly there.

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2. (noun) sentry bird - also a figurative term for a chief.

Ko te manu taupunga ka noho mataara i te wā e kai ana te kāhui. Ka noho te manu taupunga ki te tiaki i te rākau e kainga ana; ki te tata mai he manu kē ki te kai, ka panaa e ia (Te Ara 2011). / The sentry bird stands guard while the flock is eating. The sentry bird would guard the tree where they were eating, and if other birds approached to eat, it drove them away.

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Synonyms: manu taki, manu tāiko

manu tīoriori

1. (noun) songbird.

Kei taku manu tīoriori, kua mū nei koe i roto i te rā nei (HM 2/1994). / My songbird, you are silent today.

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See also tīoriori

punanga manu

1. (noun) bird reserve.

manu ngangahu

1. (noun) woman who performs on the side of the haka group - to encourage and energise the performers. Women most skilled in pūkana and wielding weapons took on this role.

Ki a au nei, kei ngā kaitakitaki kei ngā kaiwhakahaere o ngā kapa haka hoki tētahi wāhi nui hei whakawana, hei whakaoho i te kapa haka a ngā tāne, ā, tae noa ki ngā manu ngangahu hei taotao, hei whāngai haere i ngā taha (K 1993: 69). / I feel that leaders and tutors of the haka groups have a crucial role in bringing their groups alive including the 'manu ngangahu' whose function is to perform to either side of the group (K 1993: 69).

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See also manu

karanga manu

1. (noun) bird-calling flute - a generic term for instruments and techniques used to mimic and attract birds using a variety of leaves or small pieces of bone or stone that have a small hole placed in a position that allows them to be blown over.

He nui ngā momo taonga karanga manu a te Māori hai whakataurite ki te tangi o ngā manu (TWK 41:14). / There are many types of instruments of the Māori to imitate the sounds of birds.

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mahi manu

1. (verb) to hunt for birds.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 10, 14-16;)

2. (noun) fowling.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 10, 14-16;)

manu pango

1. (noun) blackbird, Turdus merula - a very common introduced bird. Male is glossy black with orange-yellow bill and yellow eye-ring, while the female is dark brown with a brownish bill.

manu kōrero

1. (noun) orator.

manu māori

1. (noun) native bird, endemic bird.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 1-5, 9-20, 69, 108, 152, 163, 166, 167, 172;)

mātai manu

1. (noun) ornithology.

manu aute

1. (noun) kite - especially one made in the shape of a bird using paper mulberry cloth.

Te manu aute nō te iwi Māori: Mehemea ka whatua taua mea, kia rite tonu ki te āhua o te manu e rere nei. Ka mahia e te Maori hei manu, ko ngā paihau me te tinana o te manu. Ka takaia te tinana o te manu, me ngā paihau, ki te aute. Koia tōna ingoa he manu aute (JPS 1901:191). / The kite made of paper mulberry cloth of the Māori people. That thing was woven into the exact resemblance of a flying bird. It was made by the Māori as a bird having wings and a body, and these wings and body were wound around with paper mulberry cloth. That is why it was called a manu aute.

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Synonyms: manu tū, manu, pākau, manu tukutuku, horewai

manu taki

1. (noun) sentry bird - a bird acting as a sentry for the flock.

Kei hea aku manu tīoriori, aku manu taki, aku manu tāiko i te kāhui e pōkaikaha nei, e hūrangi nei? (HM 1/1998:1). / Where are my song birds, my sentry birds, my guardian birds of the flock that is flustered and unsettled?

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Synonyms: manu taupunga, manu tāiko

manu tāiko

1. (noun) sentry bird - a bird acting as a sentry for the flock.

Kei hea aku manu tīoriori, aku manu taki, aku manu tāiko i te kāhui e pōkaikaha nei, e hūrangi nei? (HM 1/1998:1). / Where are my song birds, my sentry birds, my guardian birds of the flock that is flustered and unsettled?

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Synonyms: manu taupunga, manu taki

manu tū

1. (noun) kite.

Kei te whakatata e komingo ana te tau o taku ate; me he ia waipuke, me he manu tū au e rere ana (M 2004:194). / When drawing near my soul is in a whirl; it's as if I am like a flood current, or a flying kite.

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Synonyms: manu, pākau, manu aute, manu tukutuku, horewai

manu taupua

1. (noun) male sentry bird.

2. (noun) chief, head, leader - a figurative term especially for a chief who protects his people.

Ko te manu taupua e patua i te kāinga; ko te manu kairākau ia e patua ki wāhi kē (TTT 1/12/1929:1940). / The sentry chief will be killed at home; but the warrior chief will be killed elsewhere. (A whakataukī.)

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Synonyms: kaitaki, kaitātaki, kaiārahi, kākākura, pouwhenua, kaiwhakataki, wheao, tumuaki, tumu whakarae, kaiarataki, kaikākāriki, ngārahu, tētēkura, uru, kaihautū, kaitakitaki, kaingārahu, manukura, kaiwhakanekeneke, tātāriki, amokapua, amokura, ariki, ihorei, kahika, tātarariki, poutoko, whakataka, amorangi, hautū

manu kahaki

1. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.

See also pīhoihoi

Synonyms: kātaitai, whioi, hīoi, pīhoihoi, whāioio

Manu karapīpiti

1. An expression indicating two things being completed at once - to kill two birds with one stone.

Whakatutukingia kia manu karapīpiti. / Do it so you kill two birds with one stone.

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Manu mātārae

1. An acknowlegement of a dignatory and/or one of rank. Someone of standing.

Kei taku manu mātārae tēnei ka whakamānawa mōu kua tae mai ki tā tātou hui. Haramai rā! / My esteemed one I acknowledge you for your presence at our gathering. Welcome!

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