1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to disagree, contradict, find fault with, condemn, object to, criticise.
Kei te whakahē ia ki tā mātau kaupapa (HP 1991:69). / He disagreed with our cause.
Synonyms: whakahēhē, whakaepaepa
2. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to cause to go astray, lead astray.
Nā te kuia rā mātou i whakahē (W 1971:43). / That elderly woman lead us astray.
Synonyms: whakakonuka, whakakotiti, whātītipa
3. (modifier) disapproving, negative, critical.
I puta anō ngā kupu whakahē a ētahi o ngā rangatira o Peiwhairangi mō Matiu, nōtemea nō Te Rarawa ia (TWMNT 18/9/1877:189). / Some of the leading men in the Bay of Islands objected to Matthew's appointment because he belonged to the Rarawa tribe.
Synonyms: tōraro, kāhoretanga
4. (noun) dissent, opposition, disagreement, dissension.
Kāore rawa tētahi whakahē mō tēnei, ēngari i tautoko katoa (HP 1991:300). / There was no dissent at all, but full support.
kupu whakahē
1. (noun) objection, protest, criticism.
Ko ngā kupu whakahē mō ētahi o tātou, he mahi whakamamae, whakawehewehe hoki i a tātou (TTT 1/5/1922:15). / Criticisms about some of us are hurtful and divide us.
Synonyms: porotēhe, porotēhi, tohetohe, mautohe, tarawene, whakaepaepa, whakatoitoi, tohe, nawe