1. (noun) pūkeko, purple swamp hen, Porphyrio porphyrio - a deep blue-coloured bird with a black head and upperparts, a white undertail and a scarlet bill that inhabits wetlands, estuaries and damp pasture areas.
He manu hauwarea noa te pākura (pūkeko ki ētahi) (TTT 1/9/1927:657). / The swamp hen (called a pūkeko by some) is a lean bird.
See also pūkeko
Synonyms: tangata tawhito, pūkeko
2. (noun) red glow (in the sky).
taringa pākura
1. (modifier) stubborn, obstinate, inflexible, hard-nosed, intractable, obdurate.
He tangata taringa pākura te tangata nei (W 1971:256). / This man is a stubborn person.
Synonyms: kakī mārō, whakaioio, houkeke, upoko mārō, hōkeke, mōtohe, taumārō, whakaturi, tohetohe, turi, ngana, makiki, kōioio, whakatete, whakatohe, whātuturi, hoi, kōroiroi, pukutohe, pūkeke, papamārō, whakatuturi, pake, pukutohetohe
2. (noun) stubborn person.
Mēnā he tangata upoko mārō koe kua kīia koe he taringa pākura (Te Ara 2016). / If you are an obstinate person you are said to be a 'taringa pākura'.