



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) dear, friend - usually an affectionate term of address for a friend but can also be used to attract attention.

Rangi: Tino kore nei au e pai ki te kōura mara. Pare: E kare, ko tāua tāua! Ka hia ruaki katoa au i tēnā kai (HKK 1990:39). / Rangi: I really don't like fermented crayfish. Pare: My friend, neither do I! That food makes me want to vomit.

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1. (verb) (-a) to long for, desire ardently.

Kātahi te wahine nei ka tino mōhio ko taua tangata nei tēnei, ko Tauira, ko te mea e karea nei e roto o tōna ngākau (W 1971:100). / Then this woman really knew that this was the man, Tauira, the one that her heart desired ardently.

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See also kare ā-roto

Synonyms: kūata, kuika, kūwata, tōmina, kuatau, pūkōnohinohi, manako, whakangākau, ōkaka, hihiri, kaimomotu, āmene, korou, popono, pūkōnohinohi, warawara, wawata, wara, ohia, mānakonako, tāmina

2. (verb) (-a) to whip (a spinning top).

Ka haere atu aua tamariki ki te kare haere i ā rāua pōtaka (W 1971:100). / Those two children went off to whip their spinning tops.

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3. (noun) ripple, surface (of the sea).

Hei whakamīharo mā ngā tauiwi te rā e puta ake ana i te rāwhiti, kōrekoreko ana a runga i te kare o te moana i ōna hihi kanapa (KO 15/5/1884:8). / The sun rising in the east is something foreigners admire, sparkling on the surface of the ocean with its bright rays.

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Synonyms: pōkarekare

4. (noun) lash (of a whip), whip for a spinning top.

Ka papā te kare o te wepu ki runga i te tuarā o ngā kau (PK 2008:220). / The lash of the whip resounded above the backs of the cows.

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1. (negative) no, not.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 15, 56, 75, 76, 83-84, 109-110;)

E ai ki te kōrero a te whānau, kāre i iti iho i te tokoiwa ngā wāhine, tokorua ngā tāne (TTR 1996:100). / According to family information, there were no fewer than nine girls and two boys.

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See also kāore

Synonyms: karekau, kāore kau, kārekau, kāhore, āna, ehē, horekau, kāore, , e, kāo, kaua, kore, hore, hore kau

pae kare

1. (loan) by golly.

kare ā-roto

1. (noun) soulmate, object of passionate affection.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 104, 107; Te Pihinga Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercise 40;)

Ānō te rangi o te kōauau a Tūtānekai, me he rū nā anō e ueue ana i a tuawahine kia haere atu ki te kare ā-roto a tōna ngākau (NM 1928:110). / It was as if the tune of Tūtānekai's flute was an earthquake shaking our heroine to go to the love of her heart.

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2. (noun) emotions, feelings, inner thoughts, heartfelt thoughts.

I a au i te huarahi e whakamau atu ana ki te kāinga, ka aro kōmuri ngā kare ā-roto ki tērā marae ātaahua i wānanga tahi ai, i whakatoi tahi ai, i mingomingo tahi ai, i whakarīrā tahi ai mātou (HM 4/1994:3). / While I was on the road heading for home the inner thoughts turned back to that beautiful marae where we had discussed, given cheek, laughed and worked hard together.

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hauora kare ā-roto

1. (noun) emotional health.

māuiui kare ā-roto

1. (noun) mood disorder, emotional disorder.

Synonyms: māuiui aurongo

tohu kare ā-roto

1. (noun) emoji.

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