



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-ina,-tia) to fob off, disbelieve, disregard.

E kore tēnei e taea te whakateka e te tangata, ki te whakateka te tangata haere mai kia kite i a au (HKW 1/11/1901:8). / A person can't disregard this and if someone disbelieves, come and see me.

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2. (verb) to push one's luck, try it on.

Kua tohutohungia te tamaiti kia kaua e pītaritari i te ngeru, ka whātuturi tonu, ka mea atu tana matua, "Ka whakateka tonu koe, nē rā?" (HJ 2012:208). / The child has been told not to annoy the cat, but when he continues to take no notice his father says, "You're just trying it on, aren't you?"

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3. (modifier) disbelieving, unbelieving, sceptical, doubting, incredulous.

Nā, ko te hunga wehi, ko te hunga whakateka, ko te hunga whakarihariha, ko ngā kaikōhuru, ko te hunga moepuku, ko te hunga mākutu, ko te hunga karakia ki te whakapakoko, ko te hunga teka katoa, ko te wāhi mō rātou kei te roto e kā ana i te ahi, i te whānāriki: ko te matenga tuarua tēnei (PT Whakakitenga 21:8). / But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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Synonyms: whakaparau, rangirua, hokirua

4. (noun) fabrication, lie, untruth.

Ehara tāku i te ui makihoi, whakateka rānei, engari he tino whakamatemate kē nei nōku kia tau mai he māramatanga ki a au, kia paku hīnātore noa mai rānei (HM 3/1995). / Mine is not a rhetorical question, or a fabrication, but a real concern of mine to obtain some enlightenment, or even a glimmer of light.

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Synonyms: rūkahu, teka, tito, tipatipa, tīpapa, kōrero teka, kōrero parau, horihori, kēā, pūkei, rūpahu, takoto, hāwatewate, pūkai, paraparau, patu taringa, hori, papahu, tahupera

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