1. (modifier) enduring, lengthy.
E whakaatu ana ngā reta tāroa i tuhia e tētehi ki tētehi i ngā tau atu i 1925 ki 1950, e ū tonu ana te aro mai o Te Rangi Hīroa ki te āhua o ngā mahi e ahu whakamua ana i Niu Tīreni nei, me ōna āwangawanga e pā ana ki te oranga o te Māori (TTR 1996:17). / The lengthy correspondence between them in the years 1925 to 1950 reveals Peter Buck's continued interest in developments in New Zealand and his concern for Māori welfare.
Synonyms: takaroaroa, kāwekaweka, auroa
3. (noun) hypotenuse (maths) - the longest side of a right-angled triangle, the side opposite the right angle.
Ko te tāroa te tapa roa o te tapatoru (TRP 2010:190). / The hypotenuse is the long side of a triangle.