1. (verb) (-tia) to cherish, take care of.
Kāore te reo Māori e ora noa, ki te kore e maimoatia e te iwi (HJ 2015:205). / The māori language will not survive if it's not cherished by the people.
Ko tā taua kaupapa nei he whakahāngai i te titiro ki te maimoa i te hapūtanga, ki te whakakāhore i te iroiti, ki ngā kaupapahere tika mō ngā hōhipera, me te whakapai ake i ngā kaupapa hei whakangungu i ngā kaiwhakawhānau (TTR 1996:144). / That campaign directed attention towards antenatal care, to destroying harmful bacteria, appropriate hospital policy and improved midwifery training.
2. (noun) pet.
Kāti, me āta tātari mārie, tērā anō pea e kitea he kai anō kei te pātohe nei e ora ai tō koutou maimoa (KO 8/8/1890:2). / Well, we should sift through it carefully and perhaps some food will be found in the abandoned cultivation whereby your pet will survive.
3. (noun) decoy, lure.
I kawea e te Māori ngā mātauranga hī ika o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa ki Aotearoa, ka whakamātauria ngā matau, ngā maihea, ngā maimoa kia tika ai ki ngā wai o Aotearoa (Te Ara 2016). / Māori brought Pacific fishing knowledge to New Zealand and fish-hooks, sinkers and lures were trialled and adapted to the waters of New Zealand.
Synonyms: kohinu, pātoi, tīmori, poapoa, poa, whakawai, whakakonuka, whakapoapoa