1. (noun) tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus - an endemic reptile with baggy skin and spines down the back. Because of their spiritual association with the atua Whiro, whose realm was of things evil, tuatara and geckos were feared.
Te ingoa o taua waka, ko 'Mangarara'; ngā rangatira o runga, ko Wheketoro, ko te Waiopotango, ko Rauarikiao, ko Tarawhata, me ētahi atu. Nā tēnei waka i mau mai te tuatara, te teretere, te kumukumu, te moko pārae, me te moko kākāriki, (he mea āhua rite katoa ki te tuatara) (TWMNT 22/8/1876:201). / The name of the canoe was 'Mangarara', and the chiefs who came on it were Wheketoro, Waiopotango, Rauarikiao, Tarawhata, and a number of others. This canoe brought the tuatara, the brown gecko, the kumukumu, the moko pārae, and the green gecko, (all reptiles like the tuatara).
1. (noun) stiff brown soil.
Ko te one-tuatara kore rawa nei e pīrangitia, he nui nō te mahi ki te patupatu; tētahi mahi he pīkau i te kirikiri mō te one-tuatara (MA 1925:157). / Stiff brown soil is never liked because there is so much work required in pulverising it; another task is carrying gravel for this stiff brown soil.
1. (noun) tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus - an endemic reptile with baggy skin and spines down the back. Because of their spiritual association with the atua Whiro, whose realm was of things evil, tuatara and geckos were feared.
See also tuatara
1. (modifier) shaggy, rough, having spines, spiny, prickly.
Auē ... tino tuatete tēnei kai! Ko wai te pōrangi kai i tēnei kai? (TWK 36:4). / Oh dear ... This food is spiney! Who would be stupid enough to eat this food?
Synonyms: tito, tarakinakina, pūhutihuti, tiotio, mākinakina, korotiotio, pūtiotio, kōtaratara, matara, taratara, tuarangaranga, tūpā, tuaranga, mātoretore, pūhungahunga, hīngarungaru, huakau, whekewheke, tupangarua, torehapehape, māngonge, tuahuru
2. (noun) hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus - an introduced mammal and the only one with spines.
3. (noun) tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus - an endemic reptile with baggy skin and spines down the back. Because of their spiritual association with the atua Whiro, whose realm was of things evil, tuatara and geckos were feared.
See also tuatara
1. (noun) lizard, skink, gecko - a general term. Because of their spiritual association with the atua Whiro, whose realm was of things evil, tuatara and geckos were feared.
Ko te rite o te Hauhau kei te ngārara nei kei te mokomoko pārae, kua patua e te tangata, motu ana te hiku, kua mate kē te tinana, kei te oioi tonu te hiku (TWM 9/9/1865:5). / The Hauhau are like this reptile, the gecko, that a person has killed, when the tail is cut off and the body has already died, the tail continues to quiver.
See also moko
2. (noun) torrentfish, Cheimarrichthys fosteri - a smallish, stocky fish with a strongly arched back and flattened ventral surface, large eyes on top of a head shaped like an inverted shovel, the mouth below , and the lower jaw distinctly shorter than the upper. An endemic fish found in larger, braided, gravel, open rivers of the North and South Islands. Solitary and secretive.
See also panoko
1. (noun) Māori tattooing designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.
Tika tonu mātou ki te whare hei kākahutanga i ō mātou kahu Māori, e takatū ana mō te haka, tā rawa te kanohi ki te moko (TP 1/12/1902:3). / We went straight to the house to change into our Māori costumes, prepare for the performance and apply the moko to our faces.
2. (noun) logo, trademark.
Kei te poraka e mau ana te moko o te Taura Whiri (arā, ki te uma (taha mauī), he whakaahua paku noa iho), ā, kei te angaangamate ko te moko whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori (HM 4/1994:12). / On the sweatshirt is the logo of the Māori Language Commission (that is on the chest (left side), just a small design), and on the reverse side is the logo celebrating the Year of the Māori Language.