3. (modifier) lawful, legitimate.
Ko te ahikā ka tohu ki te noho tūturu a tētahi tōpūtanga tāngata ki tētahi takiwā (Te Ara 2014). / Continuous settlement indicated legitimate occupation of a group of people to a particular area.
4. (noun) commitment, dedication, devotion.
I mea atu a Apirana Ngata he mahi tāna mā Arapeta kei Pōneke, engari nā tōna tūturu ki ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki tōna whānau me tōna iwi, kāore i tutuki te tono a Apirana (TTR 1998:176). / Apirana Ngata said he had work for Albert in Wellington, but because of commitments to his family and tribe, he wasn't able to fulfil Apirana's request.
5. (noun) upright, post (of a building).
Tītaha ana ngā tūturu o te whare (W 1971:460). / The posts of the house were leaning.
2. (noun) guarantee, assurance.
Nā reira, e kore mātou e kaha ki te hoatu kupu tūturu, kāore ngā kerēme ā muri ake nei e pā ki ngā whenua i roto i te rohe pānga o Te Roroa (RT 2013:34). / Therefore we will not be able to give assurance that future claims will not concern the lands in the Te Roroa territory.
tuturu pourewa
1. (noun) pied stilt, Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus - a black-and-white wader with very long pinkish-red legs and a long, fine, black bill. Usually found in flocks.
See also poaka
Synonyms: turuturu pourewa, turituri pourewa, tuturi pourewa, poaka, tōrea
2. (noun) cash payment.