1. (noun) oystercatcher, pied oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus - a sea-coast wading bird with black-and-white or all-black plumage and a thin orange-red bill. Feeds chiefly on shellfish, worms, insects and small fish. Breeds on inland riverbeds and farmland of the South Island.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 116;)
Synonyms: tōrea tuawhenua
2. (noun) pied stilt, Himantopus himantopus - a black-and-white wader with very long pinkish-red legs and a long, fine, black bill. Usually found in flocks.
(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 1;)
See also poaka
Synonyms: turuturu pourewa, turituri pourewa, tuturi pourewa, tuturu pourewa, poaka