1. (verb) (-a) to spring up, begin to grow.
Ka pō, kātahi ka whakaaro ngā tāngata whenua, a Ngāti Hinewai, koi tahuri te taua ki te hauhake i ngā purapura o ā rātau māra kūmara, kua pihi hoki te kūmara, ngā tipu (JPS 1919:93). / When night fell the local people, Ngāti Hinewai, became concerned that the war party might set about harvesting the tubers of their kūmara gardens as the kūmara had started shooting sprouts.
2. (noun) shoot, sprout, antler, horn.
Ko ngā pihi o te purapura i te take o te purapura e kore e tino kaha te tupu o ērā, tēnā ko te pihi e tupu ake ana i te matamata o te rīwai e ngakia ana hei purapura, ko te pihi tērā e tino nui he rīwai e tupu (TW 20/4/1878:177). / The sprouts at the base of the tuber don't grow very vigorously, whereas the shoots growing up from the top of the potato produce much more vigorous offspring.
See also tū ngā pihi, pipihi
Synonyms: tupu, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, pihinga, kāwai, tītere
1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to divide into allotments, allocate pieces, allocate sections, allocate pieces.
Kua pīhitia e mātou kia rua rau eka, kia rima rau eka, ā tae noa ki te rua mano eka, mā te tangata kotahi (MM.TKM 30/6/1857:3). / We have now divided [our land] into portions, varying from two hundred, five hundred, and up to two thousand acres for each individual.
2. (loan) (noun) piece, bit, portion, section.
Tuatoru, kia rapua te oranga o ngā pīhi whenua o ia hapū, o ia hapū (TW 12/2/1875:7). / Thirdly, to seek the sustenance of the land lots of each kinship group.
Synonyms: tiri, taha, hea, tūtanga, ngota, moka, piriri, porohanga, wāhi, mara, maramara, tūāporo, kaupeka, tekihana, tekiona, wāhanga, wehenga, whiti, rārangi
3. (loan) (noun) curtain.
Me hanga anō e koe te tāpenakara, kia tekau pīhi rīnena miro pai; he purū hoki, he pāpura, he ngangana: me whatu ki roto ētahi kerupima; kia tohunga rawa te mahi (PT Ekoruhe 26:1). / Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and blue, and purple and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.
tū ngā pihi
1. become angry, raise the heckles, get one's dander up, lose one's cool - an idiom.
I te wā i puta ai ngā kōrero mō te whakamātautau, ka tū ko ngā ihu o ētahi, ka tū ko ngā pihi o ētahi atu, ā , tata tonu ētahi ka pōkai anō i ō rātou tueke, ka takahi i te huarahi (HM 4/1996:3). / At the time that the discussions about the test were raised, some put their noses in the air, others became angry and some were on the verge of packing their bags and heading for the road.