1. (particle) A suffix used to make verbs into nouns, sometimes called derived nouns, and the usual ending for verbs that take -hia as the passive ending. These nouns usually mean the place or time of the verb's action.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 88-89, 123-124;)
I tae hoki mātau ki tōna tangihanga i Pātea / We also went to his funeral at Pātea.
2. (particle) A passive ending.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 65-67, 84-85;)
Nō te hokinga o Rewi ki te kāinga, ka rokohanga tētahi kuia e tangi ana. / When Rewi returned home he came upon an old lady who was crying.
1. (verb) (-a,-ia) to make, build, fashion, create.
Kāore i roa i muri mai ka tae mai ngā hōia, ka whakaaratia anō e rātau taua pou haki, ka kaha atu hoki te mahinga i tō mua hanganga, arā, ka hangaia ki te maitai (TPH 30/6/1903:4). / Not long after that the soldiers arrived, that flag pole was re-erected and it was built stronger that that of before, that is it was built of steel.
Synonyms: hangahanga, mea, waihanga, whakahangahanga, whaihanga, mahi, āhua
2. (-a,-ia) to enact, draft, execute - especially of legislation.
I te tau 1947 ka tangohia te pukapuka ture o Westminster (i whakamanahia e te pāremata o Peretānia i te tau 1931) e Aotearoa. Nā tēnei mahi ka pūmau ki te kāwanatanga o Aotearoa anake te mana ki te hanga ture mō Aotearoa (Te Ara 2015). / In 1947 New Zealand adopted the Statute of Westminster (passed by the British Parliament in 1931). This confirmed that the New Zealand Government alone had the power to enact laws for New Zealand.
3. (noun) build, stature, shape.
Ina rā, te pūhutihuti me te mā o ngā makawe, te kikorangi o ngā whatu, te tāroaroa o te hanga, te paipa i te waha, he pāhau te kanohi, me tana kāmeta mau haere tonu e pūhia ana e te hau kaha o Pōneke (TTR 1996:188). / Tall, bearded, with a shock of white hair and blue eyes, pipe in mouth, ever-present scarf flicking about in Wellington's stiffer breezes, he was instantly recognisable (DNZB 3:493).
Synonyms: āhuahanga, taratarai, ahuahu, auaha, ata, pokepoke, tārai, tārei, āhua
5. (noun) group (of people).
Kei roto te hanga tautoko e pakipaki ana, e umere ana, kei waho te hanga mautohe e kaioraora ana (PK 2008:73). / The supporters were inside clapping and applauding, while outside the protestors were acting menacingly.
Synonyms: tētahi tangata, iwi, nuinga, hunga, tāngata, pori, ētahi tāngata
1. (modifier) somewhat, fairly, sort of - comes before the word it modifies to indicate a moderate or lesser degree.
Kua hanga tini kē wāku kina. / I've got quite a lot of sea-urchins.
Ahakoa tōna hanga riri, engari, he tangata whakahoahoa, manaaki i te tangata, he ngāwari, ki ngā Pākehā atu hoki (TTR 1990:358). / Despite his somewhat warlike nature, he was a friendly and hospitable person, genial, even to Pākehā.
See also te hanga a te
hanga mautohe
1. protestors, demonstrators, group of people who oppose something persistently.
Kei roto te hanga tautoko e pakipaki ana, e umere ana, kei waho te hanga mautohe e kaioraora ana (PK 2008:73). / The supporters were inside clapping and applauding, while outside the protestors were acting menacingly.
Synonyms: hunga mautohe
2. (noun) ill health.
Ka mauria anō ia ki te whare herehere mō te marama kotahi, ahakoa tana pakeke me tana hanga mate (TTR 1990:357). / He was taken to prison for one month, despite his age and ill health.
2. (loan) (noun) drafting a will, making a will.
Ko tētahi o ngā tino take o tēnei hui ko ngā tohutohu me ngā whakaakoranga mō te hanga wira (TTT 1/10/1931:56). / One of the main purposes of this meeting is instruction and teaching about drafting a will.
hanga aroha (ana)
1. it's heartbreaking, it's sad, it's tragic, it's heart-rending, it's pitiful - an idiom to express one's pity. It can also be used in a sarcastic manner.
He hanga aroha te reo o ēnei kaumātua rongonui (TTT 1/10/1924:120). / The voices of these well-known elders was heart-rending.
Hanga aroha ana i te mea e tamariki tonu ana rāua ka riro nei. / It was quite sad becausethe two who had died were still young.
Hanga aroha ana rā tērā. / That's sad.
rūnanga hanga ture
1. (loan) (noun) legislature.
Nō te tau 1893, i pōti kē a Tūnuiārangi mō te kaupapa a Hōne Heke Ngāpua ina te mutunga mai, e mea ana kia wehea mai te rūnanga hanga ture a te Kotahitanga kia tū wātea mai i te mana o te Kāwana (TTR 1996:259). / In 1893 Tūnuiārangi had voted for Hōne Heke Ngāpua's proposal which sought independence for the Kotahitanga legislature from the governor's authority.
kīhai i hanga
1. it was no ordinary thing, she was no ordinary person, he was no ordinary person.
Kīhai i hanga ake tana wahine, he rangatira nui nō tēnei whenua (NM 1928:167). / His wife was no ordinary person because she was an important rangatira of this country.
See also ehara i te hanga