



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (transitive verb) puncture.


1. (verb) (-ia,-ina) to make a hole in or through, bore, pierce, cut out, appear, poke.

Kei tētehi wāhi o tēnei marae tētehi rārangi pouaka tekau mā tahi, ā he mea poka te kōhao ki te taupoki o ia pouaka, o ia pouaka hei tukunga moni iho ki roto (KO 15/1/1884:15). / In one part of this courtyard is a line of eleven boxes and each one has a hole poked into the lid as a place to donate money.

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Synonyms: werowero, oka, paoka, wero, tīokaoka, titi, tioka

2. (verb) (-ia,-na) to operate on (medical), undertake surgery, castrate, geld, spay, neuter.

He kokoti anō tāna mahi i ngā hōiho, he poka i ngā raho o ngā tāriana (TTR 2000:246). / He also performed surgery on horses and gelded stallions.

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3. (verb) to make one's way, strike a path.

I poka tonu mai a Te Arawa mā te taha o Whakaari, pā rawa mai Moehau (JPS 1893:222). / Te Arawa made its way past White Island, to Cape Colville.

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4. (verb) to appear, come into view.

Nā, i te poka whakatata ki te whakaeroero ngā whetū i te ata hāpara, ka wehewehe ngā matua e toru nei, he rau tōpū ki te matua kotahi (JPS 1919:124). / So, when the stars were about to disappear at dawn, the three divisions of the army, each one of two hundred, separated.

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5. (noun) hole, pit, well, puncture, dungeon.

Ki te rū te whenua, ka tuwhera ngā poka hōhonu, ka whakahoroa ngā maunga, ka hūrorirori ngā whare (TTT 1/7/1929:1029). / If there's an earthquake, deep holes open up, mountains are caused to collapse, and houses sway about.

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Synonyms: wero, rua, kōruarua, kōrua, pārua, pōpokorua, pokopokorua, pokorua, hāpoki, pokere, waro, mārua, kororua

6. (noun) operation (medical).

Ko te poka i whakaritea ki te Hōhipera o Whanganui, kīhai i whakahaeretia nā te mea kāore i kitea te ngira (TTR 1996:150). / The planned operation at Whanganui Hospital did not eventuate because the needle could not be located.

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1. (loan) (noun) poker (game).

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 68-69;)

kānihi poka

1. (noun) puncture repair kit.

poka raho

1. (verb) to castrate.

Me poka ngā raho o te kurī nā, kia mutu ai tana ekeeke, tana hikihiki i ngā mea katoa (HJ 2017:87). / That dog should be castrated so that it stops mounting and jumping on everything.

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2. (modifier) castrated.

E ai ki te kōrero, he rarata ake te hōiho raho poka, tēnā i te tāriana (HJ 2017:87). / It is said that a gelding is more docile than a stallion.

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poka tōrere

1. (noun) abyss, bottomless pit, chasm.

A uakina ana e ia te poka tōrere; ā ka puta ake he paoa i te poka, ānō he paoa nō tētahi kāpura nui; ā pōuri iho te rā me te rangi i te paoa o te poka (PT Whakakitenga 9:2). / And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

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Synonyms: kororua, rua, waro

whānau poka

1. (noun) Caesarean birth, Caesarean section.

Ki te kore e taea e te wahine tana pēpi te pana ki waho, ka pokaina te puku o te wahine, mā konei e tangohia ai tana pēpi. Ka kīia tēnei ko te whānau poka (RP 2009:453). / If a woman isn't able to push out her baby, the abdomen of the woman is cut open and her baby is delivered this way. This is said to be a Caesarian section.

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poka noa

1. (verb) to do anything at random, heedlessly, without authority, without permission - also written as one word, pokanoa.

I te 17 o Hune nei, i whakawākia rāua i te Kōti Matua mō te hara tuhituhi poka noa i ngā ingoa tāngata kē ki ngā tieki tono moni i ngā pēke, ā whakataua ana e te kōti kia kotahi tau mō tētahi, mō tētahi ki te whare herehere (TWMA 20/6/1884:3). / On 17th June they went on trial in the Supreme Court for writing fraudulent cheques and were each sentenced by the court to one year in prison.

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tākuta poka

1. (noun) surgeon.

Nā te tākuta poka i tirotiro te taotū mā te toromoka (Ng 1993:357). / The surgeon examined the wound with a probe.

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kina poka

1. (noun) Echinobrissus recens - smaller but similar to kina pākira.

poka pū

1. (noun) centre spot, direct route, short cut, middle, centre, hub, bull's-eye, core, nucleus, axis, agency.

I mea ia me taiāwhio pea tana haere rā tahaki, e kore e poka pū tana haere i waenganui taua koraha (TWMNT 24/3/1874:71). / He decided that he should probably go around the side and not straight through the middle of the open country.

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See also pokapū

Synonyms: waengapū, waengarahi, pokapū, pokapūtanga, , pokatata, tukutata

hōiho poka

1. (noun) gelding - a castrated male horse.

He hōiho poka, he whero ā-pango, he tiwha te rae, 14 ringa te tiketike, kāhore he parani e kitea (TW 20/11/1875:376). / A bay gelding with a spot on the forehead, 14 hands high with no visible brand.

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poka kirimata

1. (noun) male circumcision.

purei poka

1. (loan) (verb) to play poker.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 68-69;)

aho poka

1. (noun) bias weft, bulge in the middle line of cloaks - insertion of short weft rows during the process of weaving to form slight bulges in the parts of the cloak that fit over the shoulders and the buttocks.

poka kē

1. (verb) to be different, altered.

Kei ō rātau taha tonu ngā mea tino whakamīharo o ēnei moutere, ngā mea tino rongonui ki te ao, ngā waiariki, ngā moana, te iwi Māori poka kē te āhua i ērā atu iwi Māori o te ao (TTT 1/9/1925:300). / Quite close to them are many amazing things of these islands, many world famous things, thermal pools, oceans, the Māori tribes who are different from other indigenous peoples of the world.

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1. (noun) castrated animal, gelding.

He whero pūmangu, he tiwha nui kai te rae, he mā kai te matamata o te ihu, e toru waewae mā, he raho-poka, he hōiho āhua nui, he parani rānei kai te papa katau, he mate rānei, kīhai i mārama (TW 14/12/1878:631). / It has a blackish rump, a large patch on the forehead, the tip of the nose is white, it has three white legs and is a gelding. It's quite a large horse and has a brand on the right flank but the problem is that it isn't clear.

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haere poka noa

1. (verb) to trespass.

I taua hui anō, ka whakaarahia ake e Te Paraihe te patunga i tētehi Pākehā i haere poka noa ki ngā whenua o te Kīngitanga i te tau 1880 (TTR 1994:121). / While at that gathering, Mr Bryce raised the issue of the killing of a Pākehā who had trespassed onto the lands of the King movement in 1880.

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hipi tame raho-poka

1. (loan) wether, castrated ram.

Ko ngā hipi tame raho-poka ēnei o te kāhui, kāore he maha ngā kōrero mō tēnei wehenga o te kāhui (TP 7/1911:5). / These are the castrated rams of the flock and there isn't much to say about this section of the flock.

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pokapoka rākau

1. (noun) silviculture.

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