1. (verb) to be red, turn red.
Kite noa ake ngā iwi o Tū-parahaki kua whero tonu te wai o te awa o Rangi-tāiki i te toto tangata (NIT 1995:151). / Tū-parahaki's people saw that the water of the Rangi-tāiki River had turned red with men's blood.
Synonyms: kura, pākurakura, ura, pūwhero, ngangana, tōwhero, waipū, nganangana, hīwera, kākaramea
2. (adjective) be red.
He whero te kara o ngā pua o te pōhutukawa. / The colour of the flowers of the pōhutukawa is red.
3. (modifier) red, reddish-brown, orange-red.
Otirā ehara i te mea ko te pītiti anake, engari ko ngā āhua rākau katoa pēnā tonu tō rātou ritenga tae iho ana ki ngā huarākau ririki, arā, ki te karani pango, mā, whero, me te rāhipere, me te kūpere me ētahi atu o ngā huarākau ririki katoa (TP 12/1905:7). / But it's not as if it is only peaches, but all sorts of trees that are treated in that way, including small fruits, that is, black, red and white currants, raspberries, gooseberries and all the other small fruits.
4. (noun) red, reddish-brown, orange-red.
Ko te pou rāhui te tohu o te rāhui, he mea pani ki te whero (Te Ara 2014). / A rāhui was indicated by a post, painted red.
1. (noun) anus, bum, backside, rump.
He whero pūmangu, he tiwha nui kai te rae, he mā kai te matamata o te ihu, e toru waewae mā, he raho-poka, he hōiho āhua nui, he parani rānei kai te papa katau, he mate rānei, kīhai i mārama (TW 14/12/1878:631). / It has a blackish rump, a large patch on the forehead, the tip of the nose is white, it has three white legs and is a gelding. It's quite a large horse and has a brand on the right flank but the problem is that it isn't clear.
Synonyms: tāreperepe, papaihore, miki, kumu, nono
tētē whero
1. (noun) brown teal, Anas aucklandica - a rare endemic bird, the breeding male has a glossy green head and a narrow white collar, while the female is brown.
Tētē whero: Ko te ‘tētē’ te tangi a tēnei pārera. He whero, he kehu ōna huruhuru (Te Ara 2013). / Brown teal: ‘Tētē’ is the Māori rendition of the ducks’ quacking. Whero (red) refers to their reddish-brown plumage.
Moana Whero, Te
1. (location) Red Sea.
Nā taua tangata rātou i ārahi atu, i muri iho i tana mahinga i ngā mea whakamīharo, i ngā tohu, ki te whenua o Īhipa, ki te Moana Whero, ki te koraha hoki i ngā tau e whā tekau (PT Nga Mahi 7:36). / He brought them out, after that he had showed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.
1. (adjective) be florid (in complexion) - sometimes written as two words, i.e. kiri whero.
Heoi anō ā rātou nei ingoa i hua ai i ngā rā i a rātou, ko ngā ingoa iwi, hapū hoki; me ngā kupu e toru mō te āhua o te kiri, arā, kirimangu, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiri parauri; kirimā, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiritea; kiriwhero, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiri waitutu (JPS 1893:61). / However in the days of the ancestors the names they used were the tribal and sub-tribal names, and the names for the three skin complexions, namely black skin, their original word for that is 'kiri parauri'; fair skin, their original word for that is 'kiritea'; red skin, their original word for that is 'kiri waitutu'.
2. (modifier) redskin.
Ko Oronhyatekha ko te ingoa o tētahi rangatira o te iwi kiriwhero o Amerika nō ēnei rā tata nei i mate ai ki Hawana, Georgia, Amerika (TP 5/1907:11). / Oronhyatekha is the name of a chief of the redskin people of America who recently died in Savannah, Georgia, America.
3. (noun) American Indian, Native American.
Ka mātau mātou he kiriwhero tonu anō te tumuaki o tēnei kāreti (TAH 67:18). / We learnt that the principal of this college was a Native American.