2. (verb) (-a) to hold (the breath).
3. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to clench, close.
I te kumu ngā meke, ā, kōmā ana ngā monamona i mua i te tauronarona (Ng 1993:248). / Fists were clenched, and knuckles showed white before the tug of war.
4. (noun) anus, posterior, buttocks, bum, backside, tail (of a bird).
Ka karanga tētahi o rātou kia kaua e mataku. Kā kī atu taua Pākehā i mate e kore ia e pai kia tae atu te hāona o te kau ki tōna kumu (TWM 23/7/1864:2). / One of them called that he should not be afraid. That Pākehā who was in trouble replied that he did not want the cow's horn to contact his backside.
Synonyms: papaihore, miki, nono, whero, tāreperepe, tou, remu