1. (adjective) be florid (in complexion) - sometimes written as two words, i.e. kiri whero.
Heoi anō ā rātou nei ingoa i hua ai i ngā rā i a rātou, ko ngā ingoa iwi, hapū hoki; me ngā kupu e toru mō te āhua o te kiri, arā, kirimangu, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiri parauri; kirimā, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiritea; kiriwhero, tā rātou kupu tūturu mō tērā, kiri waitutu (JPS 1893:61). / However in the days of the ancestors the names they used were the tribal and sub-tribal names, and the names for the three skin complexions, namely black skin, their original word for that is 'kiri parauri'; fair skin, their original word for that is 'kiritea'; red skin, their original word for that is 'kiri waitutu'.
2. (modifier) redskin.
Ko Oronhyatekha ko te ingoa o tētahi rangatira o te iwi kiriwhero o Amerika nō ēnei rā tata nei i mate ai ki Hawana, Georgia, Amerika (TP 5/1907:11). / Oronhyatekha is the name of a chief of the redskin people of America who recently died in Savannah, Georgia, America.
3. (noun) American Indian, Native American.
Ka mātau mātou he kiriwhero tonu anō te tumuaki o tēnei kāreti (TAH 67:18). / We learnt that the principal of this college was a Native American.