



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) degree of difficulty.


1. (verb) to be difficult, hard, demanding.

Ka uaua te mahi a te hoa whakatangitangi ki te āwhina i a ia (TTR 1996:56). / The task of the accompanist to assist her was difficult.

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2. (adjective) be difficult, hard.

He uaua ki a au te whakawā, me te whiu i a rātou i te mea ko te kāwanatanga anō nāna i whakaae ngā mīhini petipeti (TP 10/1906:2). / It is difficult for me to give judgement and to punish them beacuse the government itself allows totalisators.

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3. (modifier) difficult, hard, demanding.

He tūranga uaua te tūranga i riro i a ia (TTR 2000:187). / The position that he took on was a difficult one.

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4. (noun) difficulty, dilemma, problem, trouble.

Mai i tōna taitamarikitanga, ahakoa ngā uaua me ngā taupatupatu i waenganui i tōna matua me Te Kooti, i kaha tonu te mau a Takurua ki ngā kawenata o te Hāhi Ringatū, kore rawa ia i whakaae kia whakamōrea (TTR 1998:194). / From his youth, despite difficulties and arguments between his father and Te Kooti, Takurua was a strong adherent of the covenants of the Ringatū church and would never agree to compromised them.

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Synonyms: pōrahurahu, pōraruraru, whakararuraru, whakararu, māniania, hara, rararu, raruraru, raru, mate, kūrakuraku

5. (noun) sinew, muscle, vein, artery.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 21;)

Ka mahi noa ētahi uaua i ā rātou mahi, ahakoa e moe ana, e oho ana rānei te tangata, kāore ēnei uaua e whakahaerehia e te tangata (RP 2009:424). / Some muscles function involuntarily whether a person is asleep or awake. These muscles are not controlled by the person.

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See also me uaua (kē) ka ...

Synonyms: io, maihara, ioio, iaia

uaua autaki

1. (noun) voluntary muscle.

Ko ngā uaua autaki: Mā te tangata tonu ēnei uaua e whakahaere, e neke ai ngā wāhanga o tōna tinana (RP 2009:424). / Voluntary muscles: People operate these muscles themselves so that the parts of the body move.

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weu uaua

1. (noun) muscle fibre.

Ka kīia he iohere ngā pito o ngā weu uaua e hono ana ki ngā kōiwi (RP 2009:424). / The ends of the muscle fibres attached to the bones are called tendons.

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uaua aunoa

1. (noun) involuntary muscle.

Ko ngā uaua aunoa: koia nei te momo uaua e tutuki ai te mahi a te manawa me ērā atu whēkau o te tinana, pērā i te kōpiro (RP 2009:425). / Involuntary muscles: These are the types of muscles that enable the functions of the heart and other organs of the body, such as the intestine.

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uaua manawa

1. (noun) cardiac muscle, heart muscle - self-contracting, autonomically regulated muscles that must continue to contract in rhythmic fashion for the whole life of the organism.

uaua toto

1. (noun) vein, artery.

Kia hemo rānō te toto i roto i te tinana, kia whakakīia ōu uaua toto i te ahi (ahi kōmau) me te wairua, kātahi anō koe ka atua, ka hoki atu ai ki te aroaro o te matua, o ngā wairua katoa (TTT 1/7/1924:77). / When the blood in the body is gone and your veins are filled with the smoldering fire and the spirit, then you will become a malignant spirit that will return to confront the parent and all the spirits.

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pūnaha uaua

1. (noun) muscular system.

Uaua kiore

1. Rat muscles: said of someone who is weak.

He uaua kiora nōna i kore ai i taea e ia / Because he was weak he was unable to do it.

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Uaua parāoa

1. The muscles of a whale: somebody who is physically strong.

Whakamahia ō uaua paraoa ki te hiki i ngā mea rā ki runga i te taraka / use your big muscles to lift those things onto the truck.

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me uaua (kē) ka ...

1. (stative) rarely, seldom.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 21;)

Me uaua kē ka kitea te mātukutuku i te takutai i ēnei rā. / The reef heron is rarely seen on the coast these days.

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Hōhonu kakī pāpaku uaua

1. Says too much but does not do enough.

Deep throat shallow words. /

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