1. (verb) (-a,-hia) to make preparations, arrangements, perform prayers.
I muri tata iho ka tonoa hoki a Tā Rui Kawhakanari ki Kapūru ki te whakariterite i te raruraru (TP 12/1900:7). / Soon afterwards, Sir Louis Cavagnari was sent to Kabul to settle the dispute.
Synonyms: whārite
2. (verb) (-a,-hia) to regulate.
Ka pai rawa mehemea ka whakaaetia nuitia e ngā hapū ētahi tikanga hei āta whakariterite i ngā rohe o ngā whenua o tēnā hapū, o tēnā hapū (MM.TKM 31/7/1860:30). / It is very desirable that some general principles to regulate the boundaries of the lands of each subtribe should be generally agreed to by the subtribes.
3. (modifier) negotiating.
Ki a Rewi Maniapoto, me waiho taua aukati hei tikanga whakariterite kia whakahokia mai ai ētehi o ngā whenua o Waikato i murua rā e te kāwanatanga (TTR 1990:71). / In Rewi Maniapoto's opinion, that border should have been used as a way to negotiate for the return of some Waikato land that had been confiscated by the government.
Synonyms: whiriwhiri, whakawhitiwhiti
4. (modifier) comparing.
He nui ngā āhuatanga whakariterite, whakatau, whakakotiti kōrero (TTR 1990:278). / There are many beautiful comparisons, analogies and digressions.
5. (noun) arrangements, planning, preparations.
Kua oti hoki ngā whakariterite mō te whakaara i tētahi whare takotoranga wūru (TTT 1/2/1928:733). / The arrangements for erecting a building to store wool have also been completed.
Synonyms: whakamahere, whakatakatū, whakakaupapa, takatū, whakariteritenga