



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to cross over, alternate, switch.

Nāna i takahurihuri, i tapatapahi, i whakawhitiwhiti ētehi o ngā kōrero (TTR 1990:278). / He made alterations, cut out sections and switched some of the narratives.

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2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia) to exchange, swap.

Nō te 7 o Oketopa, i whakawhitiwhiti reta ai rāua ko te Pirimia (TTR 1998:96). / An exchange of letters between him and the prime minister took place on 7 October.

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3. (verb) to discuss, deliberate, negotiate, communicate - when followed by kōrero.

I akona e ia ngā kōrero tuku iho a Tūhoe, ā, waihoki rā ka tīmata tana tohungatanga ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, me te taki hautū i te tangata (TTR 2000:240). / He learnt Tūhoe history and began to develop his expertise in communicating and in leading people.

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Synonyms: whakawhiti, whiriwhiri

4. (modifier) crossings.

Riterite tonu te mahi whakawhitiwhiti a te whānau ki tāwāhi ki ngā wāhi whakatā me ngā papahuka retireti (TTR 1996:31). / There were regular excursions abroad to resorts and ski-fields.

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5. (modifier) exchanging - when followed by kōrero it is used for discussing, deliberating, negotiating, communicating.

I te tau 1840, i te marama o Hānuere, ka haere rāua ko Te Korohiko ki Pēwhairangi i te taha o Te Karu Whā, o te Rōpū Hāhi Mihinare, ki ngā hui whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō te Tiriti o Waitangi (TTR 1990:187). / In January 1840, he and Te Korohiko travelled to the Bay of Islands with Henry Williams of the Church Missionary Society to the gathering discussing the Treaty of Waitangi.

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Synonyms: whakariterite, whiriwhiri

6. (noun) exchanges - when followed by kōrero it is used for discussions, deliberations, negotiations, communication.

I uru atu a Te Moananui ki roto i ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā iwi whakanoho ki Heretaunga; ka tau te āiotanga (TTR 1990:234). / Te Moananui entered into the negotiations with the tribes that had invaded Heretaunga, and peace was established.

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