1. (verb) to be joyful, happy, cheerful, elated, glad, delighted.
Ko tā te Taura Whiri i mīharo ai, i tūrangahakoa ai, ko te kī mai a te nuinga kia kaua e whakangorua te taura, engari ia kia rite tonu te kipakipa, te akiaki i a rātou kia hōhonu ake, kia tika ake ō rātou reo (HM 4/1993:8). / The Māori Language Commission were amazed and delighted with the statement by the majority that they should not slacken the rope, but they should maintain the motivation and the urgency to deepen and improve the accuracy of their language skills.
Synonyms: koakoa, manahau, matakuikui, whakakoakoa, harikoa, hurō, harakoa, whakamanamana, takaahuareka, koa
2. (modifier) joyful, happy, cheerful, elated, glad, delighted.
Hoki ai ngā wairua ki te wāhi tūrangahakoa nei (Te Ara 2014). / The spirits return to paradise.
3. (noun) joy, cheerfulness, delight, happiness.
Nā konei ka tuku mihi atu ki a koutou katoa i roto i te wairua o tēnei wā o te tūrangahakoa, o te hurō, o te noho tahi a ngā whānau (HM 1/1999:1). / And so we send greetings to you all in the spirit of this time of joy, happiness and of families coming together.
Synonyms: whakamanamana, koakoa, takaahuareka, whāwhāpū, koa, manahau, manamanahau, koanga, hari, harikoa, hurō, harakoakoa