1. (noun) be cheerful, elated.
I te 21 o ngā rā o Hune i tū ai te Iupirī mō te Kuīni, he mahi manamanahau he mahi e hari ai, e koa ai ngā iwi katoa i noho i raro i te mana o te Kuīni (KO 18/7/1887:4). / On 21 June the Jubilee celebrations for the Queen was held, a joyous and happy occasion for the peoples living in the realm of the Queen.
2. (noun) cheerfulness, mirth, elation, triumph, delight, ecstasy, euphoria, excitement, exhilaration, gleefulness, joy, jubilation.
Tūtaki rawa a Porake ki te wahine matua a Parore; kei tana kī, te ora kē o tērā wahine, te manamanahau hoki, ā, kāti mai i a ia te manaaki i te tangata (TTR 1994:82). / Polack met Parore's senior wife, whom he described as a personification of health, mirth, and kindness.
Synonyms: hohehohe, pukukata, koa, manahau, koanga, tūrangahakoa, hari, koakoa, hurō, harakoakoa, whakamanamana, takaahuareka, harikoa, whāwhāpū