1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to suppress, repress, weigh down, subdue, quash, crush, quell, clamp down on.
He maha ngā tāngata kua mate i te parekura, ā e rima mano hōia kua tukua e Kānata ki taua whenua hei pēhipēhi i taua raruraru (KO 15/4/1885:2). / Many people have died in the battle and five thousand soldiers have been sent by Canada to that country to quell that uprising.
Synonyms: whakarangimārie, tāmi, tātāmi, whākorekore, whakakore, kaupēhipēhi, koropehu, aupēhi, pēhi, whakakōmau, tāmoe, whakakorekore, kaupēhi