1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to suppress, keep down, repress.
E kore au e mōhio ki ngā whakaaro o ētahi atu tāngata i tēnei rā, i tēnei rā, i roto i ngā mea kua kōrerotia nei; ko au ia, taimaha rukiruki au, tē taea te kaupēhi aku whakaaro matapōuri (TKM.MM 13/3/1862:30). / I do not know what other people think of these daily experiences which have been discussed, but I found them extremely depressing and I was not able to suppress my gloomy thoughts.
Synonyms: kaupēhipēhi, pēhipēhi, koropehu, aupēhi, tāmi, pēhi, whakakōmau, tātāmi, tāmoe