1. (verb) (-a) to press flat, smother, repress, suppress, inhibit.
Ka riro mā ngā whakawai, mā ngā kawekawe o te ao kōrero Pākehā tōna reo Māori e tāmoe, e tārona ka puta ia i te maru o taua kura (HM 3/1993:6). / The distractions and the influences of the English speaking world will smother and strangle their Māori language when they emerge from the shelter of that school.
Synonyms: kaupēhipēhi, pēhipēhi, koropehu, aupēhi, tāmi, pēhi, whakakōmau, tātāmi, kaupēhi
2. (verb) (-a) to overpower, subdue (by occult means).
He karakia tērā hei tāmoe i te hoariri. / That was a ritual chant to overpower the enemy.