1. (verb) (-tia) to speak ill of, disparage.
E kore au e whai kupu atu ki a koe mō tētahi o ō kupu i pā mai ki taku tinana ko te take he āhua kino, ka hahani, ka amuamu te ritenga o tērā kupu (TPH 15/1/1900:1). / I will not make a response to you about one of your statements about myself because the implication of that assertion is somewhat rude, disparaging and begrudging.
2. (modifier) disparaging, critical, denigrating, reproachful, derogatory, censorius, scornful.
Kia auraki noa ake ki ngā kupu hahani a te wahine nei (Kāretu 2016). / Let's return to the disparaging words of this woman.
Synonyms: kanone, whakahāwea, hanihani, tāwai
3. (noun) disparaging remarks, nasty comments, scorn.
E te Etita, mō ētahi atu o ngā take a Tūtengaehe, ko te whakautu tēnei a Ngā Puhi: me mutu i konei ēnei kōrero hahani āna mō Ngā Puhi (TTT 1/9/1924:101). / To the Editor, concerning the matters of Tūtengaehe, this is Ngā Puhi's response: these disparaging comments of his must cease here.
Synonyms: aniani, whakakurīmōri, tokoreko, whakahāwea, whakaiti, wenerau, whakareko, whakapuwheto, whakapuheto