1. (verb) (-a) to treat with contempt, scorn, disdain, snub.
I roto i ngā āhuatanga, i whakaaro a ia i tokorekoa a ia (Ng 1993:438). / In the circumstances, she felt that she had been snubbed (Ng 1993:438).
Synonyms: whakareko, whakapuwheto, whakapuheto, aniani, whakakurīmōri, wenerau, whakahāwea, whakaiti, hahani
2. (noun) contempt, disdain, disrespect.
Ahakoa te tokoreko o ētahi Pākehā ki tō tātou reo, kei te ora tonu. / Despite the disdain of some Pākehā towards our language, it is still alive.