1. (verb) (-tia) to cause to ascend, promote, support.
I tino whakanuia e Maniapoto tana teina, a Matakore, mō te kaha o tērā o āna tēina ki te whakapiki i a ia i te wā i puta ai ngā raruraru ki tō rātou tuakana, ki a Te Ihi-ngā-rangi (NIT 1995:195). / Maniapoto made much of his younger brother, Matakore, because of the strong support that one of his younger brothers had given him at the time of the troubles with their oldest brother, Te Ihinga-a-rangi.
Synonyms: tautīnei, whakatairanga, hapahapai, kōkiri, whakatuarā
2. (noun) improvement, raising, promotion, increase, advancement.
Kua kitea i roto i ngā tau mai i te huatakitanga o ngā kura kaupapa Māori e uaua ana ki te nuinga o ngā kaiwhakaako te whakawhānui, te whakahōhonu, te whakapiki i te reo o ngā tamariki kei mua i ō rātou aroaro (HM 3/1995:5). / In the years since the instigation of Māori immersion schools, it has been seen that the expansion, deepening and improving of the language of the children in front of them has been difficult for the majority of the teachers.
Synonyms: whakaputu, whakatipu, huti, hutinga, hīanga, whakatupu, whakatūtū, kōkiri, kakenga, whakatairanga