



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to be a person, man, human being, individual.

Kua tangata, kua wahine pakari ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-hinengaro (Rewi 2005:43). / It has become a man or woman that is mature in body, spirit and mind.
He maha ngā tau i muri mai, kua tangatatia te tamaiti nei (NIT 1995:209). / Many years later this child had become a man.

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Synonyms: tuatangata, , tāne, kōhī, kiri, tinana, tuakiri, tawhiti, whaiaro, kōiwi

2. (modifier) human, individual.

I whakanonoi tonu ia i tōna mana tangata ki āna wāhine punarua, ki a Matairena rāua ko Kararaina (TTR 1994:39). / He insisted on his individual right to have his two wives, Matairena, and Kararaina.

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3. (noun) person, man, human being, individual.

E kore pea te tangata e whakapono ki te kīia atu e 640 māero te tere o taua whetū i te hēkene kotahi (TP 1/6/1901:11). / A person would probably never believe it if it was said that the speed of that comet was 640 miles per second.

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1. (noun) people, men, persons, human beings.

He maha ngā tāngata kua mate, engari e kore e mōhiotia wawetia tō rātou kaute, kia oti rānō te huke te paru (TP 9/1911:8). / Many people have died, but it won't be known immediately how many, not until clearing the mud has been completed.

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Synonyms: iwi, nuinga, hunga, pori, hanga, ētahi tāngata, tētahi tangata

mana tangata

1. (noun) human rights.

rīanga tangata

1. (noun) life insurance.

tangata nohoutu

1. (noun) boarder.

tangata whenua

1. (verb) (-tia) to be natural, at home, comfortable.

Ki te tīmata mai te ako i te reo i te wā e nohinohi tonu ana ngā tamariki, ka kōrero Māori ngā tamariki rā, ka mau, ā, ka tangata whenua te reo ki roto i a rātou. / If learning the language begins when children are little, those children will speak Māori and the language will be natural to them.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to be naturalised, acclimatise, established, adapted.

Ko tēnei rākau kua tangata whenuatia ki ēnei motu (TTT 1/9/1922:7). / This tree has become naturalized in these islands.

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3. (noun) local people, hosts, indigenous people - people born of the whenua, i.e. of the placenta and of the land where the people's ancestors have lived and where their placenta are buried.

Ko te tangata whenua te hunga pupuri i te mana o tētahi whenua (Te Ara 2013). / The tangata whenua are the people who have authority in a particular place.

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Synonyms: iwi kāinga, haukāinga

tētahi tangata

1. some people (singular) - an expression of disapproval towards a certain type of behaviour.

I tae mai a Tere ki te hui i te marae i te mutunga wiki. Heoi anō tāna, he noho noa iho, he kai i ngā kai. Tētahi tangata! / Tere came to the gathering at the marae on the weekend. All she did was laze around and eat. Some people!

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Synonyms: iwi, nuinga, hunga, tāngata, pori, hanga, ētahi tāngata

tauwhiro tangata

1. (noun) social services.

whiringa tangata

1. (noun) artificial selection.

wehenga tāngata

1. (noun) class divisions, social divisions.

Kua kore haere ngā wehenga tāngata Māori i ēnei rā, ā, kua kotahi noa ko te Māori anake – nā reira he rangatira katoa ināianei (Te Ara 2015). / Māori social divisions have gone these days and there is just one, only Māori – so all are rangatira now.

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herehere tangata

1. (stative) bondage.

He whakarākeitanga kē tō ia rūma o Te Cottage: nō Īhipa, nō Awherika, no Ingarangi, nō Āhia, he akomanga kura, he rūma herehere tangata. (Townsend, 2018) / Each room in the Cottage had a different theme: Egyptian, African, English, Asian, a school classroom, bondage.

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ira tangata

1. (noun) human genes, human element, mortals.

I te wā i oti ai ngā mea katoa te hanga i runga i te mata o te whenua i roto i te whenua, i te takiwā, i roto i ngā wai, ka ui atu rātou me pēwhea te whakaputa i te ira tangata ki te ao (TTT 1/6/1924:63). / At the time all things were being created on the face of the land and in the earth, in space and in the waters, they asked how should the human element be created in the world.

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kimi tangata

1. (verb) to recruit.

Synonyms: ika tauhou, taritari

mana tangata

1. (noun) power and status accrued through one's leadership talents, human rights, mana of people.

Ka hoki whakamuri te mahara ki ngā rā e houkura ana te mana tangata (TTT 1/12/1929:1935). / The memory goes back to the days when people's mana was intact.
I haere ā tātou tamariki ki te pakanga kia mau ai te mana tangata me te mana whenua kei riro i te raupatu a te Tiamana (TTT 1/6/1924:60). / Our children went to the war in order to maintain the people's mana and authority over the land lest it be taken away by German conquest.

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See also mana

pūmanawa tangata

1. (noun) human resources.

tūingoa tangata

1. (noun) personal noun, personal name - a word used to name a particular person, tribe, canoe, month and wai? (who?). These words are preceded by a when they follow i, ki, hei or kei, or are the subject of a sentence. After other prepositions, such as o and , the personal name follows directly.

He kaitito waiata a Hirini. / Sydney was a composer of songs.

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See also tūmoko

Synonyms: tūmoko

whakaira tangata

1. (verb) to conceive, become pregnant.

Kei te whakaira tangata te kōpū o te wahine (W 1971:79) / The woman is pregnant.

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whakatāuke tangata

1. (verb) to segregate people.

2. (modifier) separating people, apatheid.

Kua roa kē e tū ana ngā hākinakina i waenganui i a Aotearoa me taua whenua whakatāuke tangata, a Te Tonga o Awherika (Te Ara 2014). / For a long time sport between New Zealand and that country of apartheid, South Africa, had been held.

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3. (noun) apartheid.

tangata ahuwhenua

1. (noun) farmer, agriculturist, agricultural worker, industrious person.

Ko Kahu-hunuhunu he tangata ahuwhenua mōhio ki te haere i ngā mahi o uta me te tai (Te Ara 2013). / Kahu-hunuhunu is an industrious man and one who knows how to manage works both on land and at sea (Te Ara 2013).

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tika tangata

1. (noun) human rights.

Kāore he kaupapa ture ā-tuhi tō Aotearoa hei tiaki i ngā tika o te tangata. Heoi he maha kē atu ngā tika tangata ka taka ki raro mai i ngā ture tuku iho o Ingarangi, me ngā ture tonu o tēnei motu (ngā ture mō ngā tika tangata me te aukati i te pana tangata) (Te Ara 2013). / New Zealand does not have a written constitution which guarantees people's rights. But there are many human rights that fall under laws inherited from Britain and the laws of this country (which set out human rights and outlaw discrimination).

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