1. (verb) to urge, incite, recruit.
I tōna hokinga ake, ka whakamātau ki te taritari uku mōna hei whakanohonoho i tōna iwi ki te takutai i Kapiti (TTR 1990:333). / When he returned he attempted to recruit allies to join him in the settlement of his people on the Kapiti coast.
Synonyms: kimi tangata, ika tauhou
2. (modifier) recruiting.
Noho ake ana ia hei āpiha taritari, takawaenga hoki mō te rōpū tautoko i ngā Mahi Māori mō te Whawhai (TTR 2000:109). / He served as a recruiting and liaison officer for the Māori War Effort Organisation.
3. (noun) recruit.
He wā i muri mai, ka whakamarumarutia e Te Rata i tōna kāinga i Waahi, tētehi taritari hōia i oma mai ki a ia i reira (TTR 1996:226). / Later Te Rata protected a recruit, who had deserted, in his home at Waahi.