1. (noun) science.
Ko te nuinga i kimihia ā-kaupapatia mai pēnei i te hākinakina, i te pūtaiao, i te pāngarau me te hauora (HM 2/1992). / The majority were sought according to topics such as sport, science, mathematics and health.
Synonyms: mātauranga pūtaiao
pūtaiao pāpori
1. (noun) social science.
I te tau 1952, i oti i a ia tētehi tītohu mātauranga, ā, i tirohia anō hoki e ia me pēhea te āwhina atu a te kura mō te pūtaiao hāpori o te kāreti o te whare wānanga o Wikitōria i te kaupapa mō te whakaakoranga o ngā āpiha toko i te ora Māori (TTR 2000:20). / In 1952 he completed an education diploma, and he also looked at ways in which the School of Social Science at Victoria University College could help to train Māori welfare officers.
mātauranga pūtaiao
1. (noun) science, scientific technique.
I te tekau tau atu i 1990, i te whanaketanga o ēnei mātauranga pūtaiao, ka arotakengia anōtia te wā tae tuatahi ai te tangata ki Aotearoa (Te Ara 2011). / During the 1990s as the scientific technique developed the date that humans first arrived in New Zealand was re-assessed.
Synonyms: pūtaiao
1. (noun) fat, gist (of a matter), richness, sense, point, spirit, quintessence.
Ka whakatakotoria e Kepa te matū o ngā kōrero tuku iho me ngā whakapapa o Te Arawa, rite tonu ki te mahi a tōna tipuna, a Ānaha Te Rāhui (TTR 2000:35). / Kepa, just like his grandfather Ānaha Te Rāhu, set down a rich body of Te Arawa history and whakapapa.
Synonyms: mōmona, haumako, tairongo, aronga, ārohirohi, wairua, tino, matamata, tongi, hiku, kūmore, raenga, akitu, paina, ngahu, tāmore, koi, koinga, toi, toitoi, tihi, tara, mata
2. (noun) material, matter (science), substance, chemical.
Ko ā rātou tautohetohe e hāngai ana ki ētahi take o ēnei wā (pēnei i te tēpoko, i te pūkōwhai rānei i roto i te wai) kia puta ai he māramatanga mō te pānga o ētahi matū ki te tinana. / Their debates relate to current causes (such as asbestos or fluoride in the water) so that there's some enlightenment concerning the effect of some substances on the body.
tikanga ā-iwi
1. (noun) cultural practice, social science, tribal custom.
Nā runga i tōna pūkenga ki ngā tikanga ā-iwi me ngā kōrero tuku iho i tū teitei ai tōna mana i waenga i te kāhui ariki o Ngāi Tahu (TTR 1994:39). / As an expert on tribal custom and traditions his standing among Ngāi Tahu aristocracy was of the highest.