



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a) to put into, gather into, place into.

Ka marū ngā manu ka raua ki roto i te tahā hue, ki roto rānei i te pātua tōtara (TWK 32:10). / When the birds were cooked they were put into gourd calabashes, or into tōtara bark food receptacles.

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Synonyms: whawhao

2. (verb) (-a) to catch (with a net).

Kua riro a Koro ki te rau inanga (W 1971:328). / Koro has gone to catch whitebait.

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1. (noun) leaf, frond, plume, spray, feather.

Ko te mate anake o te tohetaka ka horoia te mamae he uaua ka mākerekere mai ngā rau tohetaka nō te mea he tino piri kē ki te mamae (HP 1991:24). / The only problem with the dandelion, which reduces the pain, is that it's difficult to remove the dandelion leaves because they really stick to the wound.

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Synonyms: tawhera, whā, awe, puhi

2. (noun) blade of a weapon.

Ko te rangatira kaitaotao i te taha mauī o te matua e whakakapakapa ana i te rau o tana mere (TWMNT 27/6/1876:149). / A chief on the left of the column was flourishing the blade of his greenstone mere.

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3. (noun) beat, rhythm (of a poi).

I te rekanga pea o te poi ki ngā kanohi o te Tiuka, ka haere tonu tana waewae i runga i te rau o te poi (TP 1/8/1901:6). / Perhaps because of how melodious the the poi dance was in the eyes of the Duke, his foot went on the beat of the poi.

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1. (numeral) hundred.

Kotahi rau e toru tekau mātau i te kura (HP 1991:32). / There were one hundred and thirty of us in the school.

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rau matatiki

1. (noun) artesian bore.

mānuka rau

1. (adjective) neurotic.

rau pūtea

1. (noun) deposit slip.

pūnaha rau

1. (noun) metric system.

taumata rau

1. (modifier) remarkable, extraordinary, notable, outstanding - of people.

Ko ia tētahi o ngā tamariki o te whānau taumata rau i puta i ngā wāhine Māori tokoono a Tāme Poto (TTR 1994:83). / He was one of the children of a remarkable family resulting from the six Māori wives of Thomas Halbert.

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Synonyms: taiea, hira, inati, hautupua, hautipua, whakaharahara, ahurei, kātuarehe, te kino kē hoki, ka mahi ..., tapatapahi ana, kōhure

Rau Hiriwā

1. (loan) (personal noun) Silver Ferns - the national women's netball team.

rau wheke

1. (noun) sea lily, Comanthus novaezelandiae - usually fixed to a solid object by small tentacles.

pekapeka rau

1. (noun) medusa-head starfish, Gorgonocephalus novaezelandiae - an endemic deep water species found living on the black tree-coral.

rau kikini

1. (noun) spice.

rau huia

1. (noun) huia feather (worn in hair).

He tohu rangatira tā te tangata mau rau huia i ngā wā o mua. A huia feather worn in your hair was a chiefly symbol. /

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anga rau

1. (noun) hundreds frame (maths).


1. (noun) polyunsaturated.

He momo hinu hamanga-rau te hinu o te ika. / Fish oil is a type of polyunsaturated fat

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1. (adjective) polysaturated.

huri rau tau

1. (noun) centennial.

kotahi rau tāra

1. (loan) one hundred dollar note, $100.


1. (verb) (-tia) to have many lovers.

Rau, Kereopa Te

1. (personal name) (?-1872) Ngāti Rangiwewehi; warrior and Pai Mārire leader who was hanged for his part in killing Volkner as revenge for the massacre at Rangiaowhia by government forces.

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