



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (modifier) buggy.

Ko tā Pateriki Kahikura te whare ngāwari rawa mō te hānihi paki, kiki, toki kāta, piringi kāta, terei, parau hoki, pēke tera hoki (TW 3/6/1876:223). / Patrick Kahikura’s is the convenient shop for buggy harnesses, gigs, stock carts, spring carts, drays, ploughs and saddle bags.

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2. (loan) (noun) buggy.

Kua kite te hōiho i te tāpōrena i muri o te paki e tārewarewa ana, ka oho te hōiho o tō rātau paki, ka tahuri tō rātau paki (TJ 6/4/1899:15). / When the horse saw the tarpaulin dangling at the back of the buggy their buggy's horse reared up and their buggy rolled over.

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1. (verb) to proclaim, publish, spread a report.

2. (noun) yarn, story, joke, anecdote, gossip, scandal.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-126;)

Ko ētahi he kōrero paki, he kōrero whakangahau (HM 1/1992). / Some are yarns, entertaining stories
E rua tau e utua ana tāna tuhituhi auaha i tāwāhi - kotahi noa iho te paki poto i oti mai. Koirā i puta ai te kupu a ētahi, 'he nui te ngaromanga, he iti te putanga'. / For two years his creative writing was paid overseas - just one short story was completed. That's why some said, 'a long time missing for little result'.

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Synonyms: kōrero whakakata, kōrero paki, pakiwaitara, whakatara, kārikarika, whakatara, pakitara, māteatea, tara, tarawau, heitara


1. (verb) to be fine, without rain, dry, fair (of the weather).

Kia paki te rangi, ka haere tātou ki tātahi kaukau ai. / When the weather is fine we'll go to the beach to have a swim.

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2. (modifier) fine, without rain, dry, fair (of the weather).

E hau kore ana te pō, e titi ana ngā whetū, e whiti ana te marama, he wā paki (KA 1/1/1862:23). / It was a windless night, the stars were twinkling, the moon was shining, and the weather was fine.

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3. (noun) fine weather.

Hari ana ō mātou ngākau i te paki o te rā (TWK 15:12). / We were happy because it was a fine day.

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See also paki o Rangi


1. (noun) hamburger.

Nō te tekau tau atu i 1960 ka tae te pākī me te parehe ki Aotearoa (Te Ara 2017). / In the 1960s hamburgers and pizzas reached New Zealand.

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1. (noun) kilt, apron, skirt.

Nā Te Arawa te poi tuatahi, e 50 te matua, he mā te kākahu, he piupiu te paki (TP 1/8/1901:6). / Te Arawa performed the first poi song and there were 50 in their group, with white garments and piupiu as their skirts.

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Synonyms: pakimaero, taupaki, panekoti, rāpaki


1. (loan) (noun) box.

Ko tētahi o ngā matā tika tonu ki runga i te manuao, whara ana tētahi o ngā pū nui, papā ana te pāki paura, tokowaru ngā hēramana i tū kaiākiri (TJ 14/6/1898:4). / One of the shells hit the warship directly, one of the large guns was disabled, the powder box exploded and eight sailors were wounded.

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1. (verb) (pākia) to slap, pat, clap, strike together, make a clapping noise.

I ētahi wā i a ia e tangi ana, ka pākia e ia taku māmā (HP 1991:19). / Sometimes when she was crying, my mother patted her.

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See also pākia

Synonyms: papaki, taupaki, pokipoki, pōpō, hokomirimiri

wāhanga paki

1. (noun) fiction section.

whakaari paki

1. (noun) (theatre) sketch.

kōrero paki

1. (verb) to joke at, tell stories, tell yarns.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 117-123; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 4;)

Ki tana kī, he roa e oho ana i ngā pō e kōrero paki ana, ā, ngahau ana ngā mahi (TTR 1996:8). / According to his account, they were awake late at night yarning and it was great fun.

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2. (noun) yarn, story, gossip, joke, fiction, tale, storytelling.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 117-123; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 4;)

Ka āhua mārama ake ki tōna āhua i ngā kōrero paki mōna: he wā he nanakia, he wā he atua tonu (TTR 1990:358). / It's somewhat clear as to his nature from stories about him: sometimes he was a villain and at other times he was a hero.

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Synonyms: paki, kōrero whakakata, pakiwaitara, whakatara, kārikarika, whakatara

waiata paki

1. (noun) ballad.

He kōrero tara mō tētahi tangata, mō tētahi mahinga a te iwi, mō tētahi kaupapa ka kawea i roto i tēnei momo waiata, i te waiata paki. I ēnei rā, ka kīia e ētahi, ko ngā waiata aroha arotini he waiata paki hoki ērā. Ko Waltzing Matilda tētahi tauira o te waiata paki, he waiata nō Ahitereiria e mōhiotia whānuitia ana. I te nuinga o ngā waiata paki, he whaiwhai te korihi i ia whiti (RTP 2015:120). / A story about a person, an activity of the people, or a topic is conveyed in this song type, the ballad. These days, some also call pop love songs ballads. Waltzing Matilda, a widely known song from Australia, is an example of a ballad. For the majority of ballads the chorus follows each verse.

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Paki, Tūheitia

1. (personal name) (1955- ) Ngāti Mahuta; crowned Māori King of the King Movement on 21 August, 2006 to succeed Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu. Educated at Rākaumanga School, Southwell School and St Stephen’s School. Prior to becoming king, he was the Tainui cultural advisor to Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

paki o Matariki

1. (noun) fine weather of summer.

paki o Hewa

1. fine weather.

Ko te paki o Hewa ngā rangi o tana tangihanga, erangi, nō te amohanga atu i te kāwhena ki runga o Taupiri, ka whakaheke te ua tātā (TTR 1996:229). / For the days of the tangihanga the weather was fine, but as the coffin was borne onto Taupiri heavy rain fell.

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See also paki o Rangi, paki

paki o Rangi

1. fine weather.

Te paki o Autahi: Mō te rangi ātaahua. He pēnā i te 'paki o Hewa, 'te paki o Ruhi', 'te paki o Rangi' (M 2005:248). / The calm of Canopus: For a beautiful day. Similar to 'the calm of Hewa', 'the calm of Ruhi', 'the calm of Rangi'.

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paki o Atutahi

1. fine weather of Canopus.

Tōna tikanga kia papā te whatitiri, kia hikohiko te uira, kia pōrukuruku te rangi i tō wehenga atu, engari i rangi paihuarere, i tau ko pakiwaru, ko te paki o Atutahi, te whetū tārake o te rangi (HM 1/1995). / The thunder is supposed to resound, the lightning flash and the sky be clouded over at your departure, but it's a fine day, the fine weather has settled and it's the fine weather of Canopus, the star that stands out in the sky.

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paki o Rūhī

1. (noun) fine weather of February.

Kīhai i roa, ka rewa te ope nei mā waho i te moana, i tāria anō hoki ki te paki o Rūhī rewa ai taua ope nei (JPS 1893:45). / It was not long before the war-party was afloat out at sea, and they had waited until the fine weather of February to set out.

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Te paki o Hewa

1. Rose tinted glasses.

The fine weather of false impression. /

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Paki o Matariki, Te

1. 'The widespread calm of Pleiades - the name of the coat of arms of the Kīngitanga which was designed by two Tainui tohunga, Tīwai Parāone of the Hauraki tribes and Te Aokatoa of the Waikato and Raukawa tribes. The work was approved in the time of King Tāwhiao, the second Māori king. The double spiral in the centre represents the creation with the series of strokes between the double lines marking off the various stages in the creation of the world. The figure on the right represents te atuatanga (spirituality) and the one on the left aituā (misfortune). The cross with the heart design represents Christianity while the seven stars represent Matariki, the Pleiades. The nīkau tree and harakeke plant on the right represent housing and clothing of the ancient Māori. The mamaku, an edible tree fern, and para, the tuber of which was used as food, are symbolic of the food of the Māori.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 1;)

Hei tohu i te mana me te awe hoki o Mere Rikiriki, i tāpaetia atu ai e Kīngi Tāwhiao he haki māna, e mau nei te īngoa ko 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; kātahi te taonga matahīapo ko tēnei; ko ōna tino tohu ko Te Paki o Matariki (TTR 1996:171). / Mere Rikiriki's influence and mana is demonstrated by King Tawhiao's presentation to her of the flag with the name 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; this was a prized treasure with significant markings known as Te Paki o Matariki.

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1. (noun) short story.

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