1. (noun) feathers of the huia, huia, Heteralocha acutirostris - a glossy black bird, now extinct, which had prized white-tipped tail feathers and orange wattles. Male had a stout, straight bill while the female's was longer and curved.
He koroa te pare o te Airihi, he kōtimana anō tō te Kōtimana, he rōhi tō te Ingarihi, he huia tō te Māori (TP 4/1900:11). / The shamrock is the emblem of the Irish, the thistle for the Scots, the rose for the English and the huia feather for the Māori.
waka huia
1. (noun) treasure box.
Ko te taonga mā Pirinihehe Ana he waka huia, pērā me te papahou, engari he paku iho (TWK 19:40). / The gift for Princess Ann was a waka huia (treasure box), which is like a papahou, but smaller.
See also waka
ngutu huia
1. (noun) talkative person, know-all, clever Dick.
He mōhio ake te ngutu huia rā i tō tātou kaiako! / That know-all is more knowledgeable than our teacher!
Synonyms: whakaputa mōhio
2. One who wears the huia plume in the topekura style upon the forehead with a tīpare (headband), meaning one who stands out in a crowd, with unique qualities.
Huri katoa ana te iwi ki a ia nōna ka kuhu mai ki te whare arā ia te huia tū rae. / Everybody turned to her as she came into the house
1. (verb) (-a) to gather, congregate, assemble, meet.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)
Kua karangatia tēnei komiti kia hui anō ki te tari i Nēpia (TTT 1/7/1927:626). / This committee has been called to meet again at the office in Napier.
Synonyms: tūtataki, whakatūtaki, tūtaki, porotūtataki, porotūtaki, tūtakitaki, karahui, whakatūtataki, huihui, pūtahi
2. (noun) gathering, meeting, assembly, seminar, conference.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)
Ki te haere ia ki ngā hui, me mau te tangata i tōna ake tauera (TTT 1/11/1927:686). / If he goes to gatherings a person should take his own towel.
Synonyms: wānanga, tūtaki, tūtakitanga, whakamenenga, huihuinga, huinga