



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be overgrown with weeds and scrub, obstructed with scrub.

Kua heuheu te huarahi (W 1971:47). / The road is overgrown.

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2. (noun) brushwood, scrub, undergrowth.


1. (verb) (-a) to scatter, clear away.

Heuheutia ngā otaota i roto i te whare (W 1971:47). / Clear away the litter in the house.

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Synonyms: maheu, korara, tohatoha, toha, kaihora, , rure, rauroha, whakaehu, whakakorakora, hora, paratī, rara, rui, kaupāpari, whakamarara, whakatakataka, whakapirara

2. (verb) to disperse.

E rua atu anō ngā wāhanga mahi e rua hāora nei te roa (me ngā tino paramanawa o te tūhoetanga o te rā ki waenganui), ka hiki te hui ki te whakangā. Heoi anō ka pau tērā hāora atu i te toru ki te whā, kua heuheu anō ngā tāngata ki te mahi mō tētahi rua hāora atu anō (HM 4/1994:2). / There were two work sessions of two hours duration (with the main meal break at midday between them), then the meeting adjourned to rest. However when that hour from three to four o'clock ended, the people dispersed again to work for another two hours.

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Heuheu Tūkino I, Herea Te

1. (personal name) (?-1820) Ngāti Tūwharetoa; ariki and warrior.

Heuheu Tūkino II, Mananui Te

1. (personal name) (?-1846) Ngāti Tūwharetoa; ariki and warrior who succeeded Herea and became an important leader of his time. He died in a landslide that engulfed Te Rapa, the village where he lived. In this illustration by George Angus, Mananui is seated in front of his younger brother, Iwikau.

Heuheu Tūkino III, Iwikau Te

1. (personal name) (?-1862) Ngāti Tūwharetoa; warrior and younger brother of Mananui whom he succeeded as ariki. He supported the establishment of the Kīngitanga and Pōtatau Te Wherowhero as King. In this illustration by George Angus, Iwikau is standing behind his elder brother Mananui.

Heuheu Tūkino IV, Horonuku Te

1. (personal name) (1820?-1888) Ngāti Tūwharetoa; ariki and carver who supported Te Kooti against government forces. He gave Tongariro, Ngāuruhoe and Ruapehu to the Crown for a National Park in 1887.

Heuheu Tūkino VII, Hepi Hoani Te

1. (personal name) (1919-1997) Ngāti Tūwharetoa; leader and ariki.

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