



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (adjective) be light green, pale green.

Ko ngā kākahu mō ngā wāhine, he kārerarera, arā he kākāriki; ko ngā mea mō ngā tāne he kōwhai te tohu (KO 15/10/1883:5). / The clothes for the women were pale green; the ones for the men were yellow.

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Synonyms: karera, kārikitea

2. (noun) Pacific azolla, azolla, red azolla, Azolla rubra - an aquatic, floating plant frequenting shallow water bodies such as ponds, lake margins, dams and slow flowing streams. Also present in swamps on muddy ground, occasionally establishing in cattle troughs. Dark-red (when exposed) or light green.

See also retoreto

Synonyms: retoreto, returetu


1. (verb) to be light green, pale green.

I te taha runga o Rotokānapanapa e tū ana tētahi hōpua wai mātao, karera tonu te āhua, me te kakano pounamu. I hua mātou i karera te wai i te wāhi kore hei terenga ki waho (MM.TKM 24/4/1851:2). / Located on the southern side of Rotokānapanapa there is a cold pool that is quite green in appearance, like the colour of greenstone. We thought the water was green because there was no place for the water to flow out.

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2. (adjective) be light green, pale green.

He karera ngā waewae me ngā ngutu o te pārera. / The legs and beak of a grey duck are light green.

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3. (noun) light green, pale green.

I te raumati pea, ko te karera o te rau piki, me te wāina, hei whakaahua kē i ngā rau mangu o te ōriwa (MM.TKM 1/9/1855:26). / Probably in summer the light green of the fig tree and the vine relieves the dark foliage of the olive trees.

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Synonyms: kārikitea, kārerarera

4. (noun) wooden handle of a greenstone chisel.

5. (noun) forestock, forearm (of a gun) - section of the weapon between the receiver and the muzzle used to hold the firearm steady and is usually made out of wood or composite material.

Puritia te karera ki tō ringa mauī. / Hold the forestock with your left hand.

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1. (noun) garlic.

2. (adjective) sea green.

3. (adjective) blue-green.


1. (noun) green salad.


1. (noun) large-leaved coprosma, Coprosma grandifolia - a bitter plant that was given to children to make them stronger. Some references say the kawariki is a species of buttercup (Ranunculus spp.).

Koirā a ia i kī ai: 'Māku anō e hanga tōku nei whare. Ko te tāhuhu he hīnau ko ngā poupou he māhoe, patatē. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki.' (TTR 1994:134) / That's why he said: 'I myself shall build my house. The ridge-pole will be of hīnau and the supporting posts of māhoe and patatē. Raise the people with the fruit of the rengarenga, strengthen them with the fruits of the kawariki.'

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See also kanono

Synonyms: raurēkau, raurākau, manono, patutiketike, kanono, kapukiore

2. (noun) kākāriki, yellow-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus auriceps, red-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae - small green native parrots with long tails.

3. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Synonyms: kākāriki


1. (noun) introduced frogs, green bell-frog, Litoria aurea , southern bell-frog, Litoria raniformis - two very similar introduced frogs which are larger than native frogs. The southern bell-frog is browner than the green bell-frog.

Te putanga mai o tētahi poroka i roto i tōna whare raupō i waenga repo, ka pānuitia e ia ki ngā manu katoa ka taea e ia te whakaora ngā mate katoa (Popi 1887:53). / A frog emerged from inside of his raupō house in the middle of the swamp and announced to all the birds that he was able to cure all diseases.

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Synonyms: poraka


1. (loan) (noun) introduced frogs, green bell-frog, Litoria aurea , southern bell-frog, Litoria raniformis - two very similar introduced frogs which are larger than native frogs. The southern bell-frog is browner than the green bell-frog.

E tae ana ki te tekau hereni te utu mō te pereti hupa poraka (TP 2/1903:3). / The price of a plate of frog soup comes to ten shillings.

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See also poroka

Synonyms: poroka

moko kākāriki

1. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Ko te moko kākāriki me te moko tāpiri ka whakanōhia kia tata ki te kōhatu mauri hei tiaki i taua kōhatu mō ake tonu atu (Te Ara 2011). / The green gecko and common gecko were released near mauri stones as guardians forever.

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See also kākāriki


1. (verb) to be green (in colour).

I te ngutu o te awa o Hamurana ka tau tō mātou tima, ka haere mā uta, ka mātakitaki ki te āhua o tēnā awa, purata tonu, kākāriki ana (TP 1/12/1901:10). / At the mouth of the Hamurana stream our steamer docked and we went inland, gazing at the appearance of that stream, which was quite clear and green.

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2. (adjective) be green (in colour).

He kākāriki tō tētahi, he kākāriki-mā tō tētahi (HP 1991:249). / That of one was green, that of another was pale green.

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3. (noun) yellow-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus auriceps, red-crowned parakeet, Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae - small green parrots with long tails.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 13, 163;)

I nāianei kua kore te manu, kua mate, kua ngaro te kākā me te kākāriki (TWMNT 22/9/1874:239). / Now the birds are no more, they've died and the kākā and kākāriki have disappeared.

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Synonyms: kākā, tōreterete, pōwhaitere, pōreterete, kākāwaiariki, kākāwariki, kawariki, porete, torete

4. (noun) green tree gecko and jewelled gecko, Naultinus spp. - green geckos of various species found in low, dense shrubbery.

Synonyms: kawariki

5. (noun) green (colour).

He harakeke iraira, he mumura te kākāriki o ngā whā, he kōwhai ngā tāekaeka, he karaka ngā tapa me te tuaka, he mā, he mōhinuhinu te muka o tēnei harakeke (PK 2008:603). / A variegated flax, with bright green leaves, yellow stripes, orange edges and midrib, while the fiber of this flax is white and shiny.

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6. (noun) rock melon, cantaloupe.

He pēnā anō ngā tōhuka, ngā kānga, ngā pāpapa, ngā merengi, ngā kākāriki, ngā taro me ngā rīwai (HP 1991:14). / The sugar cane, maize, kamokamo, melons, rock melons, taro and potatoes were exactly the same.

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Synonyms: merengi rāka


1. (stative) be dark green.


1. (stative) be bright glossy green.

2. (noun) native mint, Mentha cunninghamii - a low creeping plant with tiny tightly packed mint-scented leaves and small white flowers in summer. A common plant of grassland and open places throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

3. (noun) New Zealand pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - native bird with head and upperparts brown and streaked darker brown similar to a skylark but more slender, with the habit of flicking its long tail up and down. It inhabits open areas but avoids intensively farmed land.


1. (stative) be gleaming, glistening.

Āraia atu te haeata kānapanapa ki te tarapouahi o Te Kooti (TTR 1996:175). / The gleaming beam of light was shielded by Te Kooti's shawl.

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2. (stative) be dark green, greeny-blue, emerald.

E whakaaturia ana anō te āhua o te ngākau e te āhua o ngā kākahu, arā, pēnei me ētahi wāhine e mau kākahu wherowhero nei, kākāriki, pungapunga, kānapanapa me te huhua noa iho o te kara (HKW 1/10/1900:3). / Personality is revealed by the nature of the clothes, that is like some women who wear reddish dresses, green, yellow, emerald and many colours.

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1. (stative) be green (colour).


1. (stative) be olive (colour), greenish-brown, browny-green.


1. (stative) be pale yellowish-green.


1. (stative) be lime green.


1. (stative) be blue-green, turquoise, aquamarine, cyan, teal.


1. (noun) smelt, common smelt, Retropinna retropinna, Stokell's smelt, Stokellia anisodon - slender small silvery endemic freshwater fish that move about in shoals and growing to about 165 mm long. Common smelt is found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand, but Stokell's smelt is only found in the lower reaches of rivers in the Marlborough-Canterbury coast. Spawn in the reaches of rivers in summer and autum then dying. Lavae washed to sea, some returning with whitebait, others returning only as adults.

2. (noun) blue mussel, Mytilus edulis - a bivalve mollusc found attached to rocks between tides. It has a dark bluish-black shell on the outside.

See also toretore

3. (noun) green-lipped mussel, common mussel, Perna canaliculus - a bivalve mollusc found attached to rocks and wharf piles from low tide level to depths of about 55 m.

See also kuku

Synonyms: kuku

4. (noun) young of eels and other fish.


1. (verb) to be green (of foliage), grow vigorously, flourish, lush.

He whenua haumako tērā e mahue atu rā, matomato ana te tipu mai o ngā rākau. / That was a fertile land we were leaving where the plants grow vigorously.

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2. (verb) to be of pleasing appearance, aesthetically pleasing, appealing, attractive.

Titiro rawa atu ki te tangata i mirimiria rā ki te hōrū, ka pai, ka matomato te kanohi o te tangata, ka purotu te kiri o te tangata (W 1971:194). / When they looked at the man who had been rubbed with red ochre, it was agreeable, and the man's face was aesthetically pleasing and his skin was handsome.

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3. (modifier) lush, green, growing vigorously, verdant.

Ka tipu matomato te aruhe ki ngā wāhi mārakerake o te ngahere, ki ngā wāhi kua poroa, kua tahuna ngā rākau (Te Ara 2014). / Bracken fern flourishes in open areas of the forest where trees have been felled and burnt.

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Synonyms: ngahau, ngaore, tāmaota

4. (noun) lushness, greenness.

Mēnā kei te whai mana tētahi ngahere ka kite koe i te nui o te huarākau, i te matomato o te tipu o ngā rau, i te ora me te rahi o te manu (Te Ara 2014). / If a forest has mana, you will see the abundance of fruit, the lushness of the leaves, and the healthiness and profusion of birds.

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Synonyms: ngaore


1. (adjective) be dark in colour, dark green.

He uri te tae o ngā rau pakari o te kawakawa (PK 2008:1035). / The colour of the mature leaves of the kawakawa is dark green.

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