1. (noun) one who sifts through data, etc., editor, analyst.
Ko ia anō hoki te kaitātari i ngā kōrero o tāwāhi i roto i ngā nūpepa Pākehā, hei whakamāoritanga kia pai ai te whakauru atu ki ngā nūpepa Māori (TTR 1994:67). / She also decided which items of foreign news from English-language newspapers should be translated and included in the Māori newspapers.
1. (noun) data, database.
I te tau 2009 he maha ngā āhuatanga Māori i runga i te ipurangi, pērā i ngā niupepa o ngā rautau o 1800 me 1900, ngā papakupu, te papakupu reo-Māori anake tuatahi arā a 'He Pātaka Kupu' me ngā raraunga reo ā-iwi pērā i 'Te Papakupu o Te Tai Tokerau' (Te Ara 2013). / In 2009 there was a sizable Māori presence on the net, such as the newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries, dictionaries, including the first monolingual Māori dictionary, 'He Pātaka Kupu', and databases of tribal dialects, such as 'Te Papakupu o Te Taitokerau'.
2. (noun) citizenship.
Mehemea kāore koe e hiahiatia kia haere ki tētahi uiuitanga raraunga, ka kareretia atu ō tuhinga ki a koe ina oti tō tono te whakaraupapa (RT 2013:63). / If you are not required to go to a citizenship interview, your documents can be sent to you when your request has been listed.
pātengi raraunga
1. (noun) database - an accessible structured set of data held in a computer.
He pātengi raraunga te rauemi e kōrerohia nei, ā, ko tōna 300 nei ngā kōnae kua tuhia ki te reo Māori e pā ana ki ngā kaupapa huhua noa (HM 3/1998). / The resource being discussed is a data base and it has 300 files written in Māori related to many topics.
1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to point out, indicate, recommend, prescribe, propose.
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to receive a proposal favourably, consent to.
Synonyms: tūtohu
4. (noun) chart, table (of data).
Ko te tūtohi: He whakaaturanga o tētahi kohinga tau, kohinga raraunga rānei. He raupapa, he nahanaha te noho mai o ngā tau ki te tūtohi (TRP 2010:300). / A chart, table (of data): A way of showing a collection of numbers or data. A chart or table is ordered and systematic (TRP 2010:300).
āhuatanga kōhure
1. (noun) distinctive feature (of data).
Ki te whakaaturia tētahi huinga raraunga ki te kauwhata, tērā e āta kitea mai ai ngā āhuatanga kōhure o ngā raraunga, pērā i ngā rāpoi, ngā mōwaho, te torotika, te manei, te ia rānei o ngā raraunga (TRP 2010:99). / The distinctive features of a set of data can be clearly seen when the data is displayed on a graph. This includes clusters of data, outliers, and whether the data is uniform or fluctuating, or whether the data has a trend (TRP 2010:99).
raraunga houanga
1. (noun) time series data.
Ko ngā raraunga houanga ngā raraunga ka hua mai i te ine i tētahi āhuatanga i te takanga o te wā. Ka whakaatu ēnei momo raraunga i te rerekē haere o tētahi āhuatanga i te takanga o te wā. Hei tauira, ko te ine i te tāroaroa me te taumaha o tētahi pēpi i ia wiki (TRP 2010:229). / Time series data is data which arises from measuring something at intervals of time. This type of data shows how something changes over time. For example, the length and weight of a baby is measured every week (TRP 2010:229).
raraunga kounga
1. (noun) qualitative data.
He momo raraunga te raraunga kounga e whakaatu ana i te āhua o tētahi mea, kāore e taea te tatau, te whakaatu rānei i ōna uara ki te tau. I ētahi wā, he kohikohi i te whakaaro o te tangata, ā, mā te kupu tēnei momo raraunga e kawe (TRP 2010:230). / Qualitative data is a type of data that describes the qualities of something which can't be expressed numerically. Sometimes it involves collecting people's ideas or thoughts, and this can only be recorded using words (TRP 2010:230).
raraunga matarua
1. (noun) bivariate data.
Ka kīīa he raraunga matarua ēnei momo raraunga nā te mea e rua ngā taurangi (ko te tangata me tōna tāroaroa). Ko te kauwhata pou tētahi o ngā whakaari raraunga hei whakaatu i ngā raraunga matarua, e kitea ai te pānga o tētahi taurangi ki tētahi (TRP 2010:227). / These types of data are called bivariate data because there are two variables (the person and her/his height). The bar graph is one of the data displays to show bivariate data whereby the relationship of one variable to another can be seen.
raraunga matatahi
1. (noun) univariate data.
Ka kīīa tēnei momo raraunga he raraunga matatahi nā te mea kotahi anake te taurangi, arā, ko ngā tapeke hahau pōro a Hīria. Ko te kauwhata rautō tētahi o ngā momo whakaari raraunga e pai ana mō te raraunga matatahi, e kitea ai te āhua o ngā raraunga (TRP 2010:227). / This type of data is called univariate data because there is only one variable, that is Hīria's golf scores. The stem and leaf graph is one of the types of data display suitable for univariate data whereby the nature of the data can be seen.
1. (noun) patch, circumscribed area, field (data processing).
raraunga motukore
1. (noun) continuous data.
He momo raraunga te raraunga motukore e taea ana ngā uara katoa i waenga anō i ōna tepe. I te nuinga o te wā, he inenga, pērā i te tawhiti, te taumaha, te wera, te kītanga, me te wā. Hei tauira, ko te teitei o te tai, ko te paemahana o te rā. Ka whakaaturia te raraunga motukore ki te kauwhata rārangi, ki te kauwhata pouhere rānei (TRP 2010:231). / Continuous data is a type of data that can take any value between certain limits. Most of the time continuous data are measurements like distance, mass, temperature, capacity and time. For example, the height of the tide, the temperature of the day. Continuous data is normally shown on a line graph or a histogram (TRP 2010:231).
raraunga motumotu
1. (noun) discrete data.
He momo raraunga te raraunga motumotu e noho motuhake ana ngā uara. Hei tauira, ko te tokomaha tāngata (kāore e taea te hautanga tangata); ko ngā rā o te wiki (TRP 2010:232). / Discrete data is a type of data that can only have certain values. Each value in the set of data is separate or discrete. For example, the number of people (you can't count a fraction of a person); the days of the week (TRP 2010:232).
raraunga tatau
1. (noun) quantitative data.
He momo raraunga te raraunga tatau e taea ana te tatau, te ine rānei. Ko te nuinga o ngā raraunga i roto i ngā kaupapa tauanga, he raraunga tatau. Mō te raraunga tatau, e taea ana te tātai te toharite, te tau waenga, te tau tānui, te inenga whānui me ērā atu momo inenga tauanga e hāngai ana (TRP 2010:233). / Quantitative data is a type of data that can be expressed numerically. Most statistics involves quantitative data. Relevant statistical measures such as the mean, median, mode, range can be calculated for quantitative data (TRP 2010:233).