1. (verb) (-a) to patch, mend, repair, darn, amend.
Ka tukua nei e au ēnei pitopito kōrero a ngā kaumātua ki te pepa, hei mātakitaki iho mā ngā uri o Tamatea i tōna marae i tōna marae, ā, mehemea e takarepa ana tētahi wāhi o ēnei whakaatu, āta tapia mai, āta haukahatia mai, kia oti pai ai taua kaupapa kōrero i runga i te pai i te tika (TPH 31/5/1902:4). / I send these stories of the elders to the paper for the descendants of Tamatea on each of his marae to look at, and if a section of this information is deficient, please amend it so that the narrative is correct.
Synonyms: tapitapi, pāpaki, aukaha, papani, raupine, rāwekeweke, āpure, pūrei, kōpure, korotiwha, tiwha, pūreireitanga