1. (verb) to mash, crush.
Kua kōharihari ngā kōrero mō Te Rangitāke i ēnei rangi kua pahure nei (MM.TKM 31/7/1860:61). / We have thoroughly mashed up (discussed) the subject of Te Rangitāke during these past days.
Synonyms: kōparu, mōhungahunga, kotē, kōhari, kōparuparu, penupenu, pehu, paruparu, whakapē
2. (verb) to be spoiled by water.
Na, nō te tau 1816 ka tū he kai whāngai, arā, he hākari pākūwhā mō Nohorua rāua ko tētahi wahine o Ngāti Rāhiri. Hei tuakana te Nohorua nei ki a Te Rauparaha. I whānau rā hoki ki te wahine matua a tō rāua pāpā. Hei utu i te kai whāngai ka rewa atu ngā waka o Ngāti Rāhiri ki Kāwhia. Ehara, ka huripoki ngā waka, ka kōharihari te kaihaukai (TTR 1990:297). / In 1816 a marriage celebration feast was held for Nohorua and a woman of Ngāti Rāhiri. This Nohorua was Te Rauparaha's older half-brother. He was born to the senior wife of their father. To reciprocate for the marriage celebration feast, the canoes of Ngāti Rāhiri set off for Kāwhia. But alas, the canoes overturned and the return feast was spoiled by water.
3. (verb) to be in pain.
E kōharihari ana a roto o tōku puku (W 1971:124). / I have a pain in my stomach.
4. (noun) pain.
I te hui nei ka rangona te kōharihari, te uruhua i te nui o te iwi nei, arā, o te rangatahi kāore i te mōhio ki ō rātou reo, ki ā rātou tikanga (HM 1/1992:2). / At this meeting we felt the pain and hurt from the majority of the people, that is of the young people who do not know their language and customs.
Synonyms: pākikini, pākinikini, mamae, māngeongeo, kōrangaranga, ngau, whakamamae