2. (verb) to revolt, rebel, mutiny, rise up, riot.
3. (verb) to rush, charge.
Kātahi ka kōkiri te matua a Ngāti Raukawa. Ka motu mai ki te ara, ka haere te kaiwhakatakoto i te mānuka, i muri e whana atu ana te kaiwero - ko Kemene Piharau o Wairarapa (TWMNT 12/12/1872:150). / Then Ngāti Raukawa's army thrust forward. When they had moved some distance the man laying down the challenge stick went forward and after that the challenger, Kemene Piharau of Wairarapa, sprang forward.
4. (noun) jerking, recoiling, springing back.
Nō te otinga o ēnei mea katoa, kātahi ka homai e tōku kaihanga ki roto ki ōku pongaponga te manawa ora. Nō konā tonu i tīmata ai taku tokomauri mō taku tūpekepeke me te whana o ōku ringaringa me te koa o tōku ngākau (TPH 30/3/1901:3). / When all these things were completed, then my creator put the breath of life in my nostrils. As a result I began to hiccough, kick and my arms jerked and my heart rejoiced.
Synonyms: tūpanapana
5. (noun) revolt, rebellion, mutiny, uprising, riot, insurrection.
Porowhiua atu ana e te hunga whakawā te whakapae mō te whana i te kāwanatanga (TTR 1996:182). / The jury threw out the charge of sedition (DNZB 1996:446).
6. (noun) bow (archery).