



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to oppress, afflict, punish.

Mehemea ka whānako ngā Māori, me whakawhiu kia utua ki te wāriu e rite ana mō ngā taputapu e whā noa atu (TTR 1990:210). / If Māori stole they should be punished by paying the value of the goods fourfold.

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Synonyms: ngawhi, whiu, whakapēhi, tātāmi, kaupēhipēhi, where, nonope, aupēhi, tāmi, pēhi

2. (modifier) threatening, intimidating, bullying.

Ka mate ngā wāhine te huri tuarā ki ērā tūmomo kupu whakawhiu, te whārere ō rātou tūranga mahi rānei, te kōrero rānei ki ngā pirihimana (Te Ara 2014). / The women ignored those threats, or abandoned their work, or spoke to the police.

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3. (noun) punishment, sentence, penalty, chastisement.

I ohorere a Te Pahi ki ngā tikanga me ngā ture a te Pākehā, he whakahouhou; i ongaonga rawa atu ia i te taumaha o ngā whakawhiu a te Pākehā mō ngā hara whēnako, ehara noa iho nei (TTR 1990:240). / Te Pahi was shocked and disgusted by the customs and laws of the Pākehā; he was horrified by the severity of Pākehā sentences for minor theft.

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Synonyms: rerenga kōrero, rerenga, whiu, whiu tārewa, ngawhi, whiu, whiunga, whepu, hāmene

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