



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (particle) A prefix in words involving a sense of revolution, rotation, or circuit, e.g. takaāmio, takahuri.

Ko ia te toa o te kura mō te mekemeke mau karapu. He pai mō ngā mahi takaporepore, takahurihuri (HP 1991:37). / He was the school champion for boxing. He was good at gymnastics.

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1. (verb) (-a,-ia,-ngia) to prepare (food).

Ina mutu te kai, me tere tonu te horoi i ngā perēti, i ngā kapu, me ngā mea taka kai o te kītini (TJ 21/6/1900:3). / When you have finished eating, hurry and wash the plates, cups, and the food preparation utensils of the kitchen.

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2. (verb) to propose, entertain (an idea, etc.) - when used with words like whakaaro and mahara.

Katahi ka taka a Whakatau i te mahara kia haere ia ki te takitaki i te mate o tōna tuakana, o Tū-whakararo, ā ka kitea e ia te tikanga (NM 1928:33). / Then Whakatau proposed the idea that he would go off to avenge the death of his older brother, Tū-whakararo, and the plan was revealed.

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3. (verb) to develop, form (an idea, etc.) - when used with words like whakaaro and mahara.

Ka taka te whakaaro i ngā tāngata rā kia nohoia mai i tahaki ki te tauwhanga i ngā tāngata i tārai nei i tō rātou waka (NM 1926:43). / Those men formed the idea to remain to one side to lie in wait for the people who had fashioned their canoe.

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1. (noun) batten covering the join where the rauawa is attached to the hull of a canoe.

E tā, tēnā koe te aukaha mai nā i ngā takā o tēnei waka (TKP 1/11/1858:3). / Sir, greetings to you who is the lashing of the battens covering the join where the rauawa is attached to the hull of this canoe (referring to the editor of 'Te Karere o Poneke' newspaper).

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1. (verb) to range, roam at large, move about.

Kātahi ka kitea atu te rangapū tāngata nei e taka ana mai i raro i ngā rākau (NM 1926:10). / Then the group of people were seen moving about under the trees.

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Synonyms: tahawhenua, nekeneke, whakatakataka, whēkoi, nukunuku, takiwātanga, taupae, tau, whānui, ripa, takataka

2. (verb) to come round - as a date or period of time.

Kei te taka mai ngā rā e mahia nuitia ai e te Pākehā te mahi whakamaroke me te mahi tini i te paramu me ērā atu huarākau (TP 12/1905:7). / The days are approaching when Pākehā will be busy drying and canning plums and other fruit.

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3. (verb) to be completely encircled.

Ka awheo te marama ka taka (W 1971:25). / The moon is completely encircled by a halo.

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1. (stative) to fall off, fall from a height.

Taka tonu atu ia ki roto i te puna, toremi tonu atu (HP 1991:19). / She fell right into the spring and drowned.

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2. (stative) be dropped, fallen.

I taka i a Te Hererīpene tana pereti. / Te Hererīpene dropped her plate.

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3. (noun) flat (music).

Ko te ‘♭’ hei tohu i te taka (he waehaurua te heke) (RTP 2015:67). / The symbol for a flat (a semitone drop) is ‘♭’.

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1. (verb) (-ia) to heap up, collect in heaps.

2. (noun) heap.

Me huihui ā tātou kūmara kia kotahi te taka (W 1971:366). / Gather our kūmara into one heap.

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3. (noun) group (of people).


1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia) fasten (a fish hook) to a line.

Kātahi a Māui ka takā i tana matau, i te kauae o Muri-ranga-whenua (NM 1928:14). / Then Māui fastened his fish-hook, which was Muri-ranga-whenua's jawbone.

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2. (noun) cord or thread for lashing an adze or a hook to a line.

Ka whakawhenahia ngā takā o te toki ki te kakau. / The lashings of the adze to handle were tightened.

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1. (loan) (noun) stork, Ciconia ciconia - a large long-legged wading bird.

Me te tāka, me te heroni, me ngā mea pērā, me te hupou, me te pekapeka (PT Riwitikuha 11:19). / And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.

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1. (loan) (modifier) stock.

He tarau tāka, he kanawati ētahi, mō te hunga katikati hipi (TWM 3/10/1863:4). / Stock pants, some are canvas, for sheep shearers.

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1. (loan) (noun) tax, duty.

Me te kī o te kaiwhakawā e tika ana te Māori i raro i te Tiriti me tētahi kōrero whakawā mō te tāka kurī i kōrerotia (TJ 19/7/1898:3). / And the judge’s statement said that the Māori were correct under the Treaty and a judgment on the dog tax was discussed.

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pao taka

1. (noun) (tennis) drop shot.

motumotu taka

1. applied to a person who mishandles property in the owner's absence.

taka whakamua

1. (noun) knock-on (rugby).

whana taka

1. (noun) drop kick (rugby).

tarau tāka

1. (loan) (noun) stock pants.

He tarau tāka, he kanawati ētahi, mō te hunga katikati hipi (TWM 3/10/1863:4). / Stock pants, some are canvas, for sheep shearers.

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Taka Pūmotu

1. (noun) Periodic Table.

Ko te Taka Pūmotu: He tūtohi motuhake e whakaatu ana i ngā pūmotu katoa (RP 2009:384). / The Periodic Table: A special table showing all the elements.

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taka puoro

1. (noun) chamber orchestra.

Kei te takiwā o te 100 ngā ringa whakatangitangi o tētahi rāngai puoro tuatini. Mēnā kei raro iho i te 50, ka kīia he taka puoro. I te nuinga o ngā taka puoro, kotahi anahe te ringapuoro hei whakatangi i ia wāhanga puoro o te titonga (RTP 2015:91). / There are in the vicinity of 100 musicians in a symphony orchestra. If there are fewer than 50, it is called a chamber orchestra. The majority of chamber orchestras have only one musician to play each musical extract of the composition.

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epa taka

1. (noun) drop pitch (softball).

mātauranga taka rongoā

1. (noun) (study) pharmacy.


1. (location) Lake Alexandrina (central South Island).

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