1. (verb) to be long, tall, slow.
Kaua anō rātou e heu i ō rātou māhunga, kaua ngā makawe e whakatupuria kia roa (PT Ehekiera 44:20). / They should not shave their heads, nor allow their hair to grow long.
Synonyms: taumano, tāroaroa, whāroa, kāwekaweka, kōroaroa, hotu, tāroa, hītawe, hūroaroa, wheau, whēnakonako, hauroa, kaweka, tautini
2. (verb) to be a long time, delayed.
Kua roa kē māua e whakatakoto mahere ana, e whiriwhiri ana mō āhea rā māua toro atu ai i a koe (HM 4/2009:4). / He and I had been planning and deciding for a long time when we would visit you.
3. (noun) long time, length, length of time, delay.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 64;)
Mahara noa a Tiopira kua mate ina hoki te roa e ngaro ana ki raro, mahue atu i a ia tana rāti (TP 10/1902:11). / Tiopira thought that it was dead due to the length of time it had been below, so he put down his harpoon.
See also kua roa kē [au] e ... ana
2. (noun) (radio) long wave.
ngutu roa
1. (noun) kiwi.
See also kiwi
2. cloak with a broad tāniko ornamental border at the bottom and narrow borders at the sides.
See also paepaeroa
moenga roa
1. (noun) long sleep - a euphemism for death.
Nō te 4 o ngā hāora o te 17 o ngā rā o Oketopa nei ka moe tētahi koroua nō Niu Tīreni i te moenga roa, he rangatira nui a ia nō tētahi o ngā hapū nui o Te Tai Rāwhiti o Aotearoa (TPH 16/12/1905:2). / At 4 o'clock on 17 October an elderly man from New Zealand slept the long sleep. He was an important chief of a large tribe of the East Coast of the North Island.
roa kau
1. before very long, after a time, not long after, it wasn't long before.
Ā, muri iho i te whawhaitanga a Rua mā rā, ka noho nei a Tama rātou ko ōna hoa i Maketū, me ngā tamariki. Roa kau, ka marara haere (JPS 1985:134). / After the battle of Rua and his party, Tama and his companions stayed at Maketū with the children. Before very long they scattered.
See also roa kau iho, roa kau ake
Synonyms: roa kau iho, roa kau ake
kāore i roa
1. it wasn't long.
Kāore i roa i muri mai ka tae mai ngā hōia, ka whakaaratia anō e rātau taua pou haki, ka kaha atu hoki te mahinga i tō mua hanganga, arā, ka hangaia ki te maitai (TPH 30/6/1903:4). / Not long after that the soldiers arrived, that flag pole was re-erected and it was built stronger that that of before, that is it was built of steel.