1. (noun) lungs.
Tērā taua ngārara e tipu ki ngā wāhi katoa o te tinana, engari ko te pukapuka te wāhi e tino nohoia ana (TTT 1/7/1922:10). / That bacterium can grow anywhere in the body, but the lungs is the primary place that it resides.
Synonyms: pūkahukahu, atewharowharo
2. (noun) rangiora, Brachyglottis repanda - a small tree to 6 m tall with very large, dull green, soft leaves which are white and felted underneath and have wavy edges. Tiny fragrant flowers cover the tree during spring and early summer. Found in both the North and South Islands.
2. (noun) book, paper, letter, document, pamphlet, sheet (paper), manuscript, stationery, volume, petition, roll, memorandum, treaty, newspaper, proclamation.
Kua tae mai te pukapuka a tētahi Pākehā i tuhituhi ai (TW 31/8/1878:2/430). / A pamphlet written by a Pākehā has been received.
Synonyms: reta, manatu, pānuitanga, mātārere, pānui, rārangi ingoa, whakatakahuri, pākiki, pitihana, petihana, pukapuka inoi, takahuri, kōpiupiu, whakarārangi, hurihuri, pīrori, rōra, rōru, perehi, niupepa, nūpepa, pepa
rārangi pukapuka
1. (noun) bibliography, references, series of books.
Noho ake ana ko Te Ataarangi hai take whakaatu mai i te pouaka whakaata, ā, kāti hai take mō tētahi rārangi pukapuka, ko Te Reo (1985) te ingoa (TTR 2000:148). / Te Ataarangi was the basis of a television programme and a series of books, called 'Te Reo' (1985).
2. (noun) envelope.
Ka hiahia koutou ki te tuhituhi mai ki a au me pēnei ngā kupu mō te whare pukapuka (HKW 6/1998:6). / When you want to write to me, the words on the envelope should be as such.